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  1. I think good documentations, good tutorials whit explatnations, Help a lot to get your feet wet. and walk alone. The things i like whit DBpro is they re document evry command whit exemples, and sort by categories(3d, sound, images). After the engine brake the limit of your mind whit all this bugs . I m in the same situation iknow well dbpro. and want go to Bmax or c++ But dont really where to start. c++,lua, framework, ect ...
  2. i m more searching a card for replace the 8800 whit better memory off course and power. i regret it. i looking on nvidia 250gts 1g, but i read about ATI 5770 will be better. So it most a card for waiting 1,2 year before new generation. Play games and of course make game. It was a time where it was easy to follow technologies and know which materials feat ours needs.
  3. HEllo evryone yesterday my video card let me down. RIP( 8800 gts 320) Now i really don't know witch one to choose ati or nvidia. advices are welcome
  4. i think "LoadAnimation" load a sequence animation and he "Returns the index of the loaded animation sequence.." you could refer to it later. you can count the number of sequence an entity have whit the "CountAnimations". That mean you can have a bank of animation where you choose one and add it to your model and play it when you want. And an other model can pick in the same bank. all the command are here to make it work the only command that miss is a "RemoveAnimation". Cool I will work on it for learning Bmax and leadwerk
  5. i see what you want .like the max payne animation work . the file for the model whit bones and files content the animations. and pick which you want. like a walk sequence can work to different model whit the same bones HIERARCHY.
  6. I think you want to append animation on a character. don't know if LE can. I suppose the bones of your model is biped. And you ll have to converte the bvh files.
  7. The idea of a separate forum section it's important. Easy to follow. Josh You right about creating the model and a 3dr view camera. It's Simple and can be the base to start. the important thing it to show how to do things for evryone can begin from the start and follow the project. Like a big tutorial constantly in progress. whit that say im go learn my english
  8. how things will be centrelised and share ? The time 2020 ? 2420 ? the technologie of weapons and vehiculs depend on that. One things that be cool it's the possibliti to make prisonner. i don't not knwn how to really impact the game play but ithingking about it. sorry for my english
  9. Hi that intresting me. if evry one can be part of the crew ? i m in.
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