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Everything posted by ghost811

  1. From what I can tell the only way to change a object's parent is by dragging and dropping in the Scene editor, which I find can be a little messy, too easy to drag to unintended parent, then having to fix that. I Suggest 2 Places where a simple remove parent / make parent command could be located: #1 By right clicking a object in the scene editor -> remove parent / make parent or #2 In the main toolbar / Edit menu. -> remove parent / make parent Also allowing for multiple selections in the view port or editor, where the last selection would be made as a parent, if the make parent button was toggled would be useful.
  2. Small suggestion to make workflow faster with the object editor. In perspective view I can't see a brush, or mesh's dimensions, switching to another view is required. I suggest you display the selected objects dimensions in the editor. My second suggestion would be to able to reset the selected object's scale back to 1 1 1, but keeping it's dimensions.
  3. Try this one from wow, it's not Leadwerks specific, but it has simple, clear and easy to read descriptions. http://www.wowwiki.com/Object-oriented_programming
  4. Thanks! It must have missed that in the docs somewhere. In case anybody has the same error, it was caused by exporting without any animation. All I did was add a 2 frame animation, and it worked.
  5. Evening all. I seem to come across a bug. I can export as FBX, but it fails to do so with LW exporter. I've attached my .blend, as well as a screenshot of the error. I've looked for the usual suspects, inverted normals, overlapping UV, duplicate vertex, apply scale, rotation extra objects, etc. I don' think it's my file, but I might be wrong. Anyways, thanks for looking into it, this is a brilliant application and I enjoy very much using it. .blend here. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4_osSxp3TcVSHNiRHE0Q1hwZzQ/view?usp=sharing Using Windows 8.1 64 bit, produced error with blender, 2.73a, and 2.72b.
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