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Everything posted by Slimwaffle

  1. I spent all day on this and from what I can gather. In order to use the steam api commands I need to rebuild as a c++ game. From what I can gather. I need to re-write main.lua into app.cpp and re-write menu.lua as menu.cpp. And then systematically change all my lua files to cpp files. I could be wrong though not entirely sure. I also noticed that when I click run in the editor it launches from lua files and I have to use visual studio for the cpp files to launch. How do I make it launch cpp files from editor? Also is there anything special I need to do when publishing as standalone to make it use the cpp files?
  2. I found these commands; Steamworks::Initialize(); Steamworks::InitializeController(); Steamworks::steamcontroller; visual studio says that they are using lua. Does that mean that using my lua scripts for main.lua and stuff. That I can reference the steam API using Steamworks: ?
  3. Is there any documentation anywhere showing all the steam-works commands. It has a few things I would like to take advantage of.
  4. I have been following the steamworks instructions. And I need to import the steam api in order to implement controller support.
  5. I got it all working now turns out that leadwerks automatically runs them side by side somehow. Now I just need to figure out how to import steam_api.h because when I try to visual studio says it can't find the file.
  6. Hey guys. I just bought the professional version so that I can redo my game in c++. This was so I can add things in from the steam SDK. So I am wanting to know how it works? Can I run c++ alongside lua? Do I need to recode all my lua scripts? If so does this mean I have to create a new project that states it is a c++ project?
  7. You guys can ignore this one. Not sure why. But deleting everything in the leadwerks folder and re importing fixed it.
  8. I have a custom emu that I tried to put into leadwerks. All the animations work with the various AI scripts I have. But for some reason. The collisions aren't working. I have tried setting the collision to every possible type. Nothing works. Bullets just pass right through it. And when the AI scripts are attached it triggers animations but no damage is caused.Everything is in the zip attached. Emu.zip
  9. Is the code going to look the same if my game was built using lua?
  10. Hey guys. I am just wondering how multiplayer code actually works. So I want to make it so one person can host. Their game does all the loading of trees and enemies and such and does all the saving. So I saw a post about sending messages from player to host. Does this mean I have to send player position and health and so on to server? What would a message sending player health actually look like? And do I have to do this for every single thing that happens(bullets, damage, inventory, position e.t.c)? And do I have to send all the game info from host back to client?
  11. Hey guys I just have a few questions about minimum requirements. So for my game I have noticed that it plays on some 2gb cards but not all and if the GPU use gets to 100% the game crashes. I am wondering just how low I can get the minimum requirements and what things I would need to change. I don't want the game to be pixel like (like minecraft) and remain 3d. But the only thing I can think of to bring the min req down is by redoing all my textures in 256 instead of 1k. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I want this thing to run as low end as possible.
  12. I'm not sure whyt but this seems to work fine now. My only issue atm is holes in my navmesh but from what I can tell thats because I changed the terrain size after I first set up the world size to something smaller.
  13. Can't upload in a private message because even zipped up the project folder size exceeds 1gb
  14. Is there a way to do it privately?
  15. Leadwerks keeps crashing when trying to publish as a standalone. Causing it to not publish properly.
  16. I will try to make it if I can but its at like 2am for me. In case I don't the things I wanted to ask about or bring up; Can we publish the games as a 64bit game and not a 32 bit? If not can you add it please. The number one thing I would like to see is a brush like the vegetation brush that allows the placement of prefabs with scripts attached. Also it could just be my game and code but; If I try to interect with anything below the level of my terrain my game crashes. Again could just be me but I get random collision errors often enemies collide with the terrain somehow and vanish sometimes causing a crash. Entity count; I have noticed I can have unlimited number without a hit to FPS. But the second I attach scripts FPS takes a hit. I would like to see some kind of system that when using the view range the game ignores entities that can't be seen. Sorry if this is the wrong place to put this. And by the way I am loving Leadwerks. This engine is amazing. I just found out today a guy was able to play my game on a pc with no dedicated GPU and the cpu handling it.
  17. This will sound stupid but what is instancing?
  18. I have been doing some testing my end. It seems to be some kind of scene overload. Non scripted entities I can have as much as I want with very little impact. But prefabs of the same entites with scripts attached slow everything down significantly. I can load 100 or 200 prefabs not a problem and still get around 40fps. But when I try to generate the 1000 or 2000 I am aiming for this halves. I think I need to come up with a way to make the computer ignore entities until they are in range. I am thinking some kind of distance check to show and hide them. I'm just not sure on the best way to do it. Because a world loop in the UpdateWorld function would also slow the fps significantly.
  19. Sure thing I will send you a steam key in private message. If you need access to the project itself let me know in private message.
  20. Even turning off shadows does nothing to boost FPS. I can get FPS to drop easily but it never increases past 30fps.
  21. Using context:Sync(false) causes crazy screen flashing because it affects all of the printed to screen commands in the post render (context) function and it messes with the menu. I just put the line of code in the world update function. Because when actually playing I want fps to unlock. When checked against task manager my game uses hardly any cpu and ram. And when I play it from steam. The more complex tasks that are memory dependant run super quick. Its purely FPS and GPU I am having issues with.
  22. Is there some kind of FPS lock or some code somewhere in the dafault scripts that is locking FPS. My game runs at 24 FPS on a 2gb card and exactly the same fps on a 4gb card. I need to find a way to unlock this framerate and let the gpu take over.
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