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Everything posted by mbarhon

  1. Thank you for advice, I know cmake but never worked with it
  2. Hi Josh. Yes CLion is great but that price is not for everyone :-( I started with CodeLite today, but GDB interface looks similar like in CodeBlocks. Maybe 2 years ago CodeBlocks was really good multiplatform IDE, I used it for C++ and C - Atmel projects at work. It's sad, but I have to say that now everything is better than CodeBlocks :-(
  3. Hi there, since Code::Blocks IDE is quiet unstable, buggy and occasionally freezes, especially on Linux (Ubuntu 16.10+) I have to look for another multi-platform IDE for C++. Now I mess with CodeLite IDE and it looks promising. It's possible officially support this IDE? - create a basic workspace and project, or is there someone who have some experience with this IDE in combination with Leadwerks? :-) Thanks :-)
  4. Hi, i like your idea. The way is maybe create your own loader/class. For every frame of GIF create texture using function Texture:Create and fill data with Texture:SetPixel (look for it in API) Description of GIF format will be on internet or look for some GIF loader for pure opengl, it will be similar i guess
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