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    Hamburg - Germany

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Anybody here who could help me please
  2. Well, i'm really new to all, so i think a need a finished code for that.... Can you help me with that?
  3. Hey everyone! I'd like to program a door like in Amnesia. That means that the player can interact with an door and open/close it with holding and moving the mouse. How can i do this? Thanks!
  4. Hello everyone again! I'm searching for an easy way to create normal-, specular and displacement-maps. How do you create them? Which tools are recommended? Can you give advice and tell me what i need to know? Thanks!
  5. i love it! My new shortcut to start the Engine
  6. Hover

    Light - Halo

    okay, my source now looks like that: But how could i add this "shining"?: And an other thing: How could i realize a "stretched light", for ex. a fluorescent tube?
  7. Hover

    Light - Halo

    And how can i add it to my light?
  8. Hover

    Light - Halo

    Hello everyone! Is there a possibility to see the light of a light source? So not just the "effect" of a light but the light itself. For example if you're having a lamp: It should glow and not only light the scene. Thanks!
  9. Hover

    Lua bug ?

    I had this problem too. Try deleting "p0" an create a new one, then it should work.
  10. Oh.... I think you're right... I really have forgotten it - okay..it was late and i was tired. I just selected the texture in the UV/Image Editor but without assigning the material to the object. Thanks anyway...
  11. okay, i've created a new object just for this testing cases. Here it is: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B54HjgzdNOVzZjkyRG5ZWDlWbFU/view?usp=sharing Included are the .blend and the .fbx file. Would be very nice if someone could help me! my blender version is the lastest: 2.73
  12. I've build some things in Blender and have UV-Mapped these. But at the part, when i am trying to export and import the model to Leadwerks it only displays me the texture of material 1 on the whole object. The build-in model editor only shows me one surface with that single texture. I am NOT using the Blender-Exporter, but the FBX-Export. What did i wrong? Can anyone help me?
  13. Okay thank you, that works great! An other short question: How could i realize that an object is following my FPS-Controller? I tried to add a box as a child but the box doesn't move when i do.?
  14. I'm sorry but how can i bring that into Leadworks? Sorry i'm very new to this all...
  15. Okay thank you guys for the answers! I think i would build something with particles, but first of all i had to learn how to work with the full editor and then the particle system. But i really like that support here in the forum. That builds me a good picture of all that here
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