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  1. 3rdPerson.lua Script.Camera = nil --entity Script.positionDifference = Vec2(0,0) Script.picksphere = Model:Sphere() function Script:Start() self.playerMovement = Vec3(0,0,0) self.cameraYaw = 0 self.cameraPitch = 10 self.dx = 0 self.dy = 0 self.mousePos = 100 self.moveSpeed = 10 self.entity:SetKeyValue("type", "player") -- HUD stuff self.crosshairs = Texture:Load("Materials/HUD/crosshair.tex") self.entity:SetFriction(0,0) local material = Material:Create() material:SetBlendMode(5)--Blend.Invisible self.entity:SetMaterial(material) material:Release() self.entity:SetShadowMode(0) self.picksphere:SetColor(1.0,0.0,0.0) self.picksphere:SetPickMode(0) end function Script:UpdateWorld() end function Script:CameraRotation() -- rotate yaw and tell the player about it so the character can use it in SetInput() local mpos = window:GetMousePosition() self.dx = Math:Curve((mpos.x - self.mousePos) / 10.0, self.dx, 3.0 / Time:GetSpeed()) self.cameraYaw = self.cameraYaw + self.dx -- rotate pitch self.dy = Math:Curve((mpos.y - self.mousePos) / 10.0, self.dy, 3.0 / Time:GetSpeed()) local pitch = self.cameraPitch + self.dy if pitch > -25 and pitch < 55 then self.cameraPitch = pitch end -- reset the mouse position window:SetMousePosition(self.mousePos, self.mousePos) end function Script:Movement() -- handle player movement self.playerMovement.z = ((window:KeyDown(Key.W) and 1 or 0) - (window:KeyDown(Key.S)and 1 or 0)) * Time:GetSpeed() * self.moveSpeed self.playerMovement.x = ((window:KeyDown(Key.D) and 1 or 0) - (window:KeyDown(Key.A)and 1 or 0)) * Time:GetSpeed() * self.moveSpeed -- reduce speed when moving backwards if self.playerMovement.z < 0 then self.playerMovement.z = self.playerMovement.z * .50 end local positionPlayer = self.entity:GetPosition(false) self.positionDifference.y = Math:Curve(positionPlayer.y ,self.positionDifference.y,3) -- move the camera to the player and set the yaw from 3rd person view self.Camera:SetPosition(self.entity:GetPosition(true), true) self.Camera:SetRotation(Vec3(self.cameraPitch, self.cameraYaw, 0), true) -- offset the camera up and back self.Camera:Move(0, 3, -4) -- rotate the model along with the camera self.entity:SetRotation(Vec3(0, self.cameraYaw, 0)) -- move the controller in the rotation of the player self.entity:SetInput(self.cameraYaw, self.playerMovement.z,self.playerMovement.x , 0, false, 1) end function Script:Fire() -- hide ourselves do we don't accidently pick ourselves self.entity:Hide() local p = PickInfo() local c = Vec2(0) c.x = window:GetWidth() / 2 c.y = window:GetHeight() / 2 if self.Camera:Pick(c.x, c.y, p) then if p.entity ~= nil then self.picksphere:SetPosition(p.position,false) end end self.entity:Show() end function Script:UpdatePhysics() self:Movement() self:CameraRotation() if window:MouseDown(1) == true then self:Fire() end end function Script:PostRender(context) local width = window:GetWidth() local height = window:GetHeight() local w = self.crosshairs:GetWidth() local h = self.crosshairs:GetHeight() local pos = Vec2(0) pos.x = (width / 2) - (w / 2) pos.y = (height / 2) - (h / 2) context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) context:DrawImage(self.crosshairs, pos.x, pos.y) context:DrawText("Mouse button Left to fire", 10, 70) context:DrawText("W/S to walk forward / backward", 10, 90) context:DrawText("A/D to strafe", 10, 110) context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Solid) end
  2. math.abs Return the absolute, or non-negative value, of a given value. > = math.abs(-100) 100 > = math.abs(25.67) 25.67 > = math.abs(0) 0 http://lua-users.org/wiki/MathLibraryTutorial
  3. omg thanks you! im only remove App. in windows and all fine
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