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  1. Hey there I also just see: There are no products here yet! Please check back soon Like Xaron, I am also an LE2 customer and logged in
  2. Hey Marley Ahh bless you, thank you sooo much!!!, that worked
  3. Many thanks Marleys Ghost It prob just me, but I can't see where I am going wrong here :-) Really appreciate your time on this
  4. Hi everyone Mm still no luck with what you have mentioned, here is the files zipped up. Please note that this was a custom job done for me, many years ago, but it is still done for myself :-) Anyway here it is <edit no need thanks to Marley> Kind Regards
  5. Hey there Whats the best way to convert b3d files to gmf? I have been using unwrap3d v2. I first load up batch process using Josh converter all .jpg files to .dds. Then I load in the b3d file into unwrap3d and change the textures 1 by 1 to use the .dds file, then save it as a gmf file. Once I have done this, I use the genmats.exe which is in the tools part of the SDK folder to generate the .mat files, but when I load it into the editor by copying the files including texture, it does not bring in the texture. All I see is what's attached to this thread, all red Has anyone got any advise Many thanks Kind Regards
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