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  1. Thanks, well i guess i'll just try to recreate these animations on my own and just use these from Truebones as a reference. Just in case. Additional work, but well...
  2. Thanks, ofc, it just would be nice to have some general advice/opinion about that case from fellow gamedevs All these copyright regulations are... Strange and not fair. For example, there are possibly a lot of people who bought trubones motions for use in their commercial games. Most of them are still 100% sure (just like i was a few days ago) that they're all fine and legal, just like any other product they paid for. Now, a guy will release his game with these animations. Some company will see these animations and recognize that they're from their game and sue him (btw. i wonder if something like this ever happened before?). Then, he will say that he didn't knew it was stolen, and it's true. And it's not his ignorance of law - he can even be an expert and know everything about copyright regulations. He just bought a product as a legal one, and he didn't had any chances to recognize that it's otherwise. In that case, company should not sue the developer, but the other company who sold him this illegal-obtained content (Truebones in this case) But when it's otherwise and they'll sue the innocent developer, then it's just dumb - that way, we should be afraid of buying anything from, for example, Mixamo, because they're just another site with digital content, just like truebones and many others. How do we know that their stuff isn't stolen too? It's impossible to determine it. Same with Unity asset store, Unreal Marketplace, etc., etc...
  3. Hi, i'm here only for this problem, i bought animations from truebones and i already implemented them into my game (some of them are shown in the @Marleys Ghost 's video above) - in the "beware of truebones" thread it says that there are animations taken from Singularity game (zombie ones), but maybe the rest is ok? For example these sword swings shown in video above. Do you think some company will make problems when they saw very similar animations in my game? Even if, for example, i'll add some slight varaitions just in case?
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