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    Iasi, Romania

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  1. Thanks for the follow-up! This information should be pinned.
  2. Other than locking the camera on certain angles (I cannot test right now, but I think it's -45degrees on 0x and 0y), it's just like any other game. You should start with the tutorials: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/
  3. Could you upload the model so we can test and see?
  4. As far as I know, caves are not possible with the terrain. As a solution, I create the terrain in blender and use particles modifier to place trees and rocks.
  5. Read the tutorials from the start to finish. You download those objects from the tutorial. for the "models and animation" tutorial, search for this paragraph "To get started with this tutorial, download the zip file below and extract its contents to your desktop:" below this line you can find a link ( http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=8177 ), from which you download the files
  6. Oh, we can do that from the editor! Now I feel a bit embarrassed & thanks a lot for the help!
  7. That would be great, but I can't find a way to do that. Can you tell me which method did you use (I can't find Terrain::Export or anything similar), or give an example? (c++ preferably) Thanks for the reply!
  8. Any idea if it's possible to export the terrain (or the whole map) to Blender? Basically, I want to create rivers and lakes, which is faster than using LWeditor when you have different elevation levels. Any idea is welcome.
  9. I don't think there is a way to do this with Leadwerks api, but perhaps you can try http://www.imagemagick.org/api/Image++.php .
  10. For such a game, to have smooth melee you clearly need the torso, arms and head to move separately from legs, just like in Mount & Blade. Having played M&B however, I fail to understand why do you mind that the attack animation carries on when you turn - it happens in their game as well. Maybe a video would help us understand the issue better... ?
  11. You should do the tutorials: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/ I don't use lua or the editor much, so I can't help you with that, but for animations you have an example here (and I am pretty sure that sample games have educational scripts on that as well): http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/entity/entityloadanimation-r15
  12. It looks interesting indeed - thanks for sharing! I see that you can also buy a non-commercial license with all the features pretty cheap (15euro), which makes me wonder if it's possible to use that and upgrade to indie license when you decide to sell your software.
  13. I would say that people usually buy new videocards every 3-5 years and not every generation. take a look here: http://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey I would say that gtx 560 + phenom ii x4 as minimum sys req is reasonable.
  14. setposition setrotation move turn addtorque addforce Those and other functions here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/entity/
  15. in editor: click on scene -> root -> skybox in c++: Leadwerks::World::SetSkybox(string path); or something like that, I am not at PC.
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