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  1. MrShawkly: Am having a meeting with my partner tomorrow to discuss the interest we've had and send out NDA's as well so will be in touch shortly. funnygamemaker : do you have any examples or demos or the addons for garrys mod for us to see?
  2. Well hold on there. I have a business partner. Everything has to go through him as well, do you have any examples of the games you've done that i can show him?
  3. Thanks for your input Thirsty Panther. MrShawkly in a nut shell we're looking for a base to work from and put it through greenlight, given the nature of the game we're looking to use prefabs and library/stock props. - they are not the main focus of the game. I have some very basic knowledge of level building ( Quake 2 ) If push came to shove i could build the level required, textures etc etc. where as my partner is more marketing and promotional strategies. The overall coding is the issue, due to what we want from the game and neither of us possess the knowledge of programming nor the time to learn it. hence being here looking to pay someone to do it for us
  4. Hey Mr Shawkly. Thanks for your reply. My Partner and i are trying to get a sample/demo piece off the ground, something similar to "Fly in the House" but with a story mode and 2 (multi) player option as well. With a little of the Amnesia environment/atmosphere thrown in. There's quite a few variables to the story mode. Is that something you'd be able to help with?
  5. Hello Everyone. Admins if this is in the wrong section or this type of request is not suitable i apologise in advance. My partner and I are looking to develop a game for greenlight. At present we're looking for anyone with a strong knowledge of Leadwerks and programming - we are open to offers and rates of pay. This would be a FPS/3rd ( no guns) Single level 2 game modes and possible 2 player. Can anyone help?
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