Since i didn't have a solution to do a server-client data layer in Lua i decided to build one in C++. This is mainly due to being more familiar with multi threading in C++, And this kind of stuff needs to be in a separate thread from the 3D rendering thread, in my opinion.
But i still wanted to use LUA for prefab scripting and all the other neat stuff Leadwerks.
Here is what i did to make this work:
I installed tolua++ on my development machine with
sudo apt-get install libtolua++5.1-dev
I build a class named ShotListener.h
#pragma once
#include "App.h"
#include "Leadwerks.h"
using namespace Leadwerks;
class ShotListener { //tolua_export
ShotListener(void) {
} // constructor 1
~ShotListener(void){} // destructor
void shot(Object* oEntity, float damage) {
App *app = App::getInstance();
Entity * entity = (Entity*)oEntity;
app->entityShot(entity, damage);
float getHealth(Object* oEntity) {
App *app = App::getInstance();
Entity * entity = (Entity*)oEntity;
float value = app->getEntityHealth(entity);
return value;
I Made the App class into a Singleton, so that any Lua script can instantiate the ShotListener and call functions from the App.
I made a tolua++ ShotListener.PCK file to match the ShotListener class:
$#include "shot.h"
class ShotListener {
void shot(Object* oEntity, float damage);
float getHealth(Object* oEntity);
In the terminal i used the following command to make the ShotListener.PCK into actual C++ code:
tolua++5.1 -o tolua_shot.cpp -H tolua_shot.h -n ShotListener shotlistener.pkg
This created two files tolua_shot.cpp and tolua_shot.h.
These i included in my project along with the ShotListener.h file.
In the main.cpp i added the following before the app->Start()
if (Interpreter::L==NULL) Interpreter::Reset();
Hi then had a ton of debugging to avoid segmentation error bugs related to multithreading. But in the end it works.