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  1. I have some hosting ideas for distribution; 1) Torrents 2) FTP type connection (similar to how Leadwerks SDK installs, with a key system) 3) Buy a cheap but reliable seeder box - coincides with #1. 4) I have some webhosting through the company I work for, can provide at-least 1 mirror, possibly 2.
  2. Here's my quick attempt; Edit; Attemp2 w/ original font;
  3. would you please upload it so that I and everyone else could see?
  4. Nice work Josh, I'm anxiously anticipating your bmax to c\c++ translations and the new additions!
  5. Just as implied in the topic title, will it be possible to pre-order for a certain percentage off for previous Leadwerks 2 developers?
  6. I have quite a few Vegetation models (trees, grass, bushes, rocks, etc) first question is: How do I add the basic lua script that will allow the basic dialog for snapping to terrain, material, etc? Second question is: How do I add things to the Vegetation Painting? Like how there is a Tree and Grass, how would I do so for my models?
  7. Thanks ZioRed! I totally overlooked the custom playerstart! That was my problem all along heh
  8. What portion of the "Power Tutorial" adds a model for the player? Afaik it's using the info_playerstart?
  9. It is not moving, like at all.. I can move the mouse and zoom in/out just fine. When trying to set the "pistol" to the player it crashes, so for now that is disabled. I've removed the player creation, and removed the secondary SetCurrentPlayer portion. Still behaving the same way, no movement, except for the camera/mouse.
  10. pre-main loop: mPlayer.Create(); mGame.scene.SetCurrentPlayer("info_playerstart"); mGame.scene.SetCurrentPlayer("player1"); main loop: mGame.MouseLook(mGame.scene.cam); mGame.KeyboardMove("player1"); mGame.PositionPlayerModel("player1"); mGame.PositionCamera(); all this works , except the KeyboardMove("player1");
  11. I can't seem to get the game.KeyboardMove(); to work with gamelib (latest w/ mods to work with LW2.4). Anyone else able to get this working? Thanks
  12. Figured it out! Problem was with the Engine calls, not doing engine.Create prior to the rendering! and a few other small things like MouseMove etc. Thanks Lumooja!
  13. DOH! Forgot the exe indeed, sorry about that! Attached now. FPS-Debug.exe
  14. Here ya go, I didn't use anything but what came with LW SDK (2.4.0). - Put the FPS.zip contents in your Leadwerks SDK root folder (you have the .dll's i'm sure, so dont write over!) I attached the testMap as well - it needs to go in /Maps Thanks again Lumooja testMap.zip
  15. Updating my graphics drivers, only about a month old anyway.. But why would it work in the Editor and not the Application? Do they not both use engine.dll?
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