I'm using Blender 2.49b and when I import a particular obj file, it loads into Blender without any errors, but it always appears black in the 3D View, unlike the other objects in the scene that I made and put textures on.
When I hit F12, it shows its texture in the render, but when I export it out to pureLIGHT in dae format, it is drawn as a black object in pureLIGHT. So I assume I am not importing it into Blender correctly.
The file has an .obj and a .mtl with it and the following files and I put them all in the same directory as the .blend file before importing:
I can only see where the cactus4_color.tga is set in Blender and I can't see how the other .tga s are used in Blender though.
Has anyone got any ideas as to why an object would draw as black in the Blender 3D View?