Far Cry 2, Crysis, STALKER, none of the newer engines use it.
Call it CSG, call it placeholders, call it "solids", but even some of "the newer engines" use this.
E.G. Crysis: http://doc.crymod.com/SandboxManual/frames.html?frmname=topic&frmfile=Solids.html
This simplifies collaboration between level designers and artists a lot.
Will the editor have some kind of plugin mechanism that would allow anyone to make something like this if you decide not to add it?
Same for anything else one could wish..
Sure it does add polygons with a polygon rendering engine like opengl. Cube marching is used to
"transcript" the volume data of the voxels into a polygon model.
ZBrush doesn't use voxels, that's why you have to tesselate the mesh yourself with that sculpting app.
The voxel volume used for terrains in crysis has a very low resolution and voxels per se are not too useful
for non-aa flat surface modeling.
We do need solids/csg.
I agree. Originally I thought people would find that too restricting, but the general desire seems to be to have more of these pre-made things built in, so I won't worry about it.
I agree with franck22000 and Laurens there.
The most important thing (for me) is to be able to replace, extend, change, disable or just not use such built-in/pre-made features.
You could use the gmf sdk for the writing part.