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Everything posted by Masterxilo

  1. The functionality to combine 6 textures into a cubemap at runtime might be here: http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Buffers#SetColorBuffer haven't tried it yet though.
  2. I don't think 3.0 is so far in dev that this could be said. From what I've heard, command names are going to be changed, but that would just be a simple "Replace all occurrences of ... in whole project with ...". I guess some bigger things/internal workings are going to be changed quite a lot, so you'll for sure have to do some adapting. But if you're coding in a "code-reuse" and "program-the-same-thing-only-once" manner and further abstract the foundations the engine give, that shouldn't be too much of a problem. At least not anything to stop/wait for
  3. While for 2) you'd first have to attach/parent a physics pivot to the hand. And this method would be the least accurate I guess.
  4. It means 0. Just inaccuracy. Or the value hasn't been initialized yet.
  5. Add the patha of <le root>/cpp and <le root>/cpp/leo to the VC++ include directories. Described here for example.
  6. You can't destroy anything in CoD (except for scripted things in the campaign maybe). I guess you meant Battlefield BC2.
  7. Instead of scratching other things and always adding new ones, there should really be a viewable list of what is planned to be done. Sure new ideas from the developer's side are good, but user requests shouldn't be ignored.
  8. This would be more general purpose: void ForEachChildDo(TEntity entity, void (*function)(TEntity,byte*), byte* extra, bool recursive = true, bool includeSelf = true) { for(int i = 1; i <= CountChildren(entity); i++) { if (recursive) ForEachChildDo(GetChild(entity, i), function, extra); else function(GetChild(entity, i), extra); } if (includeSelf)function(entity, extra); }
  9. Just have four "TBuffer mybackbuffers[4];" and render to these, then draw those to the window's BackBuffer() using DrawImage() as Lumooja suggested.
  10. CountChildren() counts all direct child entities (children of exactly this entity) while FindChild() finds children and subchildren (->recursive). To loop through all bones of a skeleton, you'll have to write a recursive method that stores the current bone and calls the store method for all of it's chilren. To do thaat, it would use CountChildren() and GetChild().
  11. Scaling of models is not (fully) supported. Change the model/mesh in a modeling application instead.
  12. The format of the terrain height data raw is single channel 16bit/ 2 byte (one entry for each gridpoint), so the file size IS correct 1024*1024*2 == 2097152 I don't know if your image editing program can load double precision single channel data. Can you set how to load the raw? In Photoshop, there's this dialog and you'd need the following settings:
  13. You can render the buffer as an image to a buffer with any size. Make your 256 texture a buffer, make it the current render target and draw the bigger buffer as a stretched image/texture.
  14. No. Every model instance has unique child/bones positions/animation state. They just share the same material and are all drawn at once.
  15. What would you use then? I want to be able to use the model in non-lua languages...
  16. GraphicsWidth()/2, GraphicsHeight()/2
  17. I guess you'd have to move the "camerapos = " part to the function.
  18. That would require something like: class MyCube { public: MyCube() { m_entity = CreateCube(); SetEntityUserData(m_entity, static_cast<BP>(this)); } private: TEntity m_entity; }; and then, once you know the picked entity: MyCube& pickedCubeInstance = *(reinterpret_cast<MyCube*>(GetEntityUserData(pick.entity))); untested, but this is the concept I agree, this should rather be posted in the programming section. As for the first question, if your game is a FPS, just use CameraPick from the middle of the screen. If not, use a LinePick starting at the weapon model origin and ending at the point (0,0,<weaponrange>) relative to the weapon, converted to global coordinates using TFormVector.
  19. This is implementation specific. But can't you just check if "frame >= endFrame" (skip the fmodf for non looping animations)?
  20. File Name: Leadwerks Soldier Animated Entity & Game Script (3rd Person Cam) File Submitter: Masterxilo File Submitted: 19 Apr 2010 File Updated: 10 May 2010 File Category: Models Triangles: 8000 LOD Versions: Yes License: See the other soldier model file downloads and "ModelInforeadme.txt" + "info2byMX.txt". This contains only the converted files and the scripts I wrote to get the animated soldier model into Editor. It also contains a game script that can be used to travel your own maps with this character model. To install and play, simply unpack the zip in your model folder and set the game script to the included "soldierGame.lua". Please see also: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/1777-leadwerks-soldier-entity-and-3rd-person-game-scripts/ Click here to download this file
  21. I finally did something interesting with the soldier model. And learned lua! I wrote an entity script for the model, that loads all the animations for it, creates a character controller, and lets you control it through simple messages (which will also make the animations change). The only thing left to do is controlling it with an AI script or through keyboard commands in a game script. I did the latter and wrote another (3rd person) game mode for Editor that features the LE Mascot. Here's what I came up with (soldier entity script & game script): Files For simplicity, I packed up only the required and converted files + my scripts of the soldier model and uploaded them again: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/files/file/141-leadwerks-soldier-animated-entity-game-script-3rd-person-cam/ Simply unpack the zip in your model folder, open LE Editor and a map in there, set your game script to "soldierGame.lua" and hit Ctrl+G to run around in your own map with the model! Since I'm still working on the scripts (and since they contain some additional descriptive text on the subject), I'll post them here too: Scripts Entity scripts <removed it, too long, see "soldier.lua" in the zip> Game script <removed it, too long, see "soldierGame.lua" in the zip> Images Feel free to use the scripts as you like. I just thought I'd share because I think I found good ways of handling (any amount of!) animations in lua and also a good way of controlling characters over messages. And because another game mode is always fun to test maps. --- Btw. This model can be used as a game character just the way it is in any non-lua language easily, due to it's message based control system. Here's what I'm working on: ... - Paul
  22. There is in fact quite noticeable lag when modifying all vertices of meshes in realtime, even when they only have a few hundred polygons/vertices. It won't be that bad for 4 vertices though. I'd rather use opengl drawing routines.
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