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  1. Howdy, this is probably an easy one but generating a new project and changing the code so steamworks is included, by un-commenting out the `#include "Steamworks/Steamworks.h"` results in link errors, eg: unresolved external symbol "bool __cdecl Steamworks::Initialize(void)" (?Initialize@Steamworks@@YA_NXZ) referenced in function main after some looking around it looks like Source/Steamworks.cpp is set to excluded from the build by default in VS causing this
  2. one related thing I ran across, lua math's Random() is missing the bindings with params, and further 'Random()' only returns 1 or 0 atm which seems off?
  3. title sums it up really. an example is right clicking on a component to remove it. works fine fullscreen, but when Ultra Engine windowed ends up outside the window, see screenshot. sometimes this ends up way off screen I would not be surprised if this is because my DPI is 125% at 2560x1440
  4. Is there currently a way to do it in memory only?
  5. Hi, I'm trying to get lua examples for Map's Save and Reload functions working. If you try the example from https://www.ultraengine.com/learn/Map_Save?lang=lua , sol complains about args (with a StreamBuffer at least). It's not clear to me what to feed it for in-memory stuff. I assume it's outdated because it's trying to call this scene:Save(stream, "game.sav") But save and reload do not take a string whatsoever as a second arg in lua docs. I assume changing the examples to do something like this is the way? local buffer = CreateBuffer(1024) local stream = CreateBufferStream(buffer) -- Create a scene local scene = CreateMap() -- .... -- Save the starting scene to an in memory buffer scene:Save(stream) This appears to work, but it's unclear to me how to do the next two things: 1. seek to beginning of stream: I tried this `stream = CreateStreamBuffer(stream)`. an API to seek to beginning of oft-reused buffers for cute tricks would be nice though 2. Actually reload a map from memory? `Map:Reload(Stream)` complains about args as well when trying a stream arg, it appears only the unary string function exists. I understand I can work around it with disk like so, maybe the old API was shorthand for this. But I'd like to avoid all disk I/O for reasons scene:Save('foo.sav') -- Main loop while not window:Closed() and not window:KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE) do -- Reload the starting scene when space key is pressed if window:KeyHit(KEY_SPACE) then scene:Reload('foo.sav') end world:Update() world:Render(framebuffer) end If something like "`scene:Reload(stream, LOAD_DEFAULT)`" worked again that would be the money. Appreciate any input
  6. ahh great, I had dlls next to exe, thanks. Fair point on ENet, just throwing out there are alternatives
  7. Beware steamworks lobby is P2P only. This made me curious about something else tho, it appears lua's require doesnt work? I was trying it with enet, eg `require "enet"` and it blows up. If require isnt working, that would be nice to become available so the reams of existing solutions (eg, love community) could be used I did look at the Plugin architecture but that looks unrelated
  8. I had to do something kind of similar with a bowling ball. What I did was checked velocity, and if it was below a threshold I flat out set velocity to the minimum for that axis in UpdatePhysics() I'd recommend to update your velocity in UpdatePhysics() if possible, if I recall correctly it always runs at a constant rate regardless of FPS, where UpdateWorld does NOT. if you have to set velocity in update world, scale it by Time:GetSpeed() so its not jittery
  9. I'm working on something using lua right now and it' starting to get big to the point I want to better manage the code. I've considered two things: trying to use flowgraph for all gameplay code or just switching to C++ which I would prefer. I searched a bit and only found the suggestion of using hooks. I'd like placing something in the editor, and then pointing a C++ class at it for behavior but that doesn't seem to exist. Only idea I have so far: use a pivot and a key value pair with something like ("ClassName", "MyClass") and searching entities on load and gluing things up there, but that would probably take RTTI . What I'm basically after is avoiding creating objects procedurally. Am I missing something obvious? Anyone else handle this? If not, has anyone had massive flowgraphs handling gamplay instead of massive player luas?
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