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The 4th Doctor

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  1. Yeah, me too! Used all the Blitz products back in the day! @Alienhead Long time, No see or hear for over a month?!?? I'm glad to see you're still alive and doing well! Haven't seen you on discord. And have sent you several messages and received no replies...?!??
  2. The First-person Shooter Template isn't available yet for those with the Lua/Ultra engine option correct?
  3. Man they responded very quickly since yesterday when I had written them that email following up on your suggestion. I hope the response shows some promise and encouragement for you on the possibility of a 3D World Studio 6 development. That is good news and a positive one too!
  4. I plan on joining.. See you there!
  5. Josh, I had written an email and contacted the development team as you suggested and informed them of the possibility of 3D World Studio 6 development and am hoping they spread the word. As soon as you get that Kickstarter page up let me know so I can put in my contribution to it's development.
  6. If you start that Kickstarter campaign anytime soon let me know and I'll go and support it and also spread the word.
  7. @Alienhead - You still got that baby out in all that mess?!??
  8. I would most 100% buy it guaranteed!!
  9. Also.. You bottom comment in your posts: " My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without. "
  10. You would be amazed on how many people I have already talked to that talk a lot about your past and current map editors and would be willing to buy them alone just to have a decent map editor to created content for use in modding or other selected 3D engines. I also on occasion use the wicked engine at times.. But the only map editor I found that even remotely comes close to being useful if an unknown map editor called MapScape 2.24 which is ok... But not near the level of polish and functionality that you have created in your map editors. I have been talking to @Alienhead which he has already done some great work for me.. I was going to pay to have a couple plugins made to use with the Leadwerks editor to mainly be able to export map level content to use in my modding. But then I seen the importers and exporters in 3D World Studio and just wondered how difficult it would be to bring them over to use with either Leadwerks or Ultra editors?
  11. What is interesting here is that 3D World Studio will not run on windows 10.. However, Josh, your first map editor Cartography Shop 4.1 runs perfectly just fine without any issues whatsoever.. Very strange huh?! However the CSG functions in Cartography Shop 4.1 are not as good as 3D World Studio's though. Examples below... Cartography Shop 4.1 shows the CSG operation failed to successfully carve out the cylinder brush in the hollow box brush resulting in missing sections of the box brush mesh. 3D World Studio 5.6 show the cylinder carve was successful, but has some faces showing clipping where the CSG operation occurred but the texture mapping appears to be ok though. Also, I got 3D World Studio to run in a VM machine ( Virtual Box by Oracle ) with Windows XP SP3 installed on the Virtual machine. The only drawl back to this method to get it to run on my windows 10 PC is the camera view in the perspective view runs crazy and you cannot control the camera movements which makes it difficult to use still.. And lastly, we have Leadwerks Editor 4.6 which show the CSG carve 100% successful with no clipping of the brush box mesh and all texture mapping 100% correct!! I do wish though Josh, that you would of included the imports and exports plugins that are present in 3D World Studio so one could use the Leadwerks editor 4.6 to be able to export a map level created in Leadwerks editor to either .X or .DBO format just like 3D World Studio has! There is other applications I use and this would be awesome to use Leadwerks CSG editor to mod maps with as I am use to it and prefer it over the many others out there. How difficult would it be to bring those import & export plugins from 3D World Studio over to the Leadwerks editor and use them to import and export content map levels out of the Leadwerks editor?
  12. The 4th Doctor


    Well, in that case.. That is different then..
  13. The 4th Doctor


    Most parents do not allow their kids to play in the mud like that though..
  14. In need of at least 2 plug-ins to be developed for me for either Ultra or Leadwerks.. If anyone is interested.. I pay via either Venmo or CashApp as that payment method is easier than Paypal which I am not a huge fan of.. Anyone interested just simply send me a private message to learn more about the plugins details or hit me up on discord and will discuss the same. Thanks to all that replies and God bless! Opportunity has been filled!
  15. The 4th Doctor


    Great work man! Very nice looking so far..
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