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Everything posted by Marcousik

  1. Hi Question: Is there a predictable way to know the render order of a decal over another ? Supposing I add a decal with a script on the terrain, and add a second that I want to cover the first one. Sometimes it does, sometimes not. Can't find how this is going to be determinated?
  2. I made a showcase for a bulldozer script for a few years, this is a following step on this: I change the script and replace the road meshes + shape with road decal textures. It saves a lot of ressources, much better FPS, because Mesh + Shape came too expensive for a big map. You only have to place 3 points on your map. The tool will join the points digging + tracing a road with the specified texture. Instead of building a spline, the tools follows the curves of the terrain, adjusts and digs it to place a road. Like this in the editor: Here is the result: (Leadwerks 4.6, not Ultra) Enjoy
  3. The shader was originally written by @havenphillip I think, it was an interactive shader for vegetation to move around the player when going through. I modified a few things to let a csg sphere behave like mud when a tire is going through. There is a an invisible trigger under the mud to detect the tire and change the friction and other coming features like decals mud on the car and other possible splashes effects. Enjoy
  4. Marcousik

    Crack-free Tessellation

    One question: Would that be physics sensitive too? I mean imagine a tire rolling on that ground, would it run "as on" a box or on the new formed/designed ground edges ?
  5. So this crazy journey continues... It's all about making a game with free car driving in an open world, finding your way through random events, uncrossable areas, mud, water and getting managed your needs of water, food and fuel. (Something between Snowrunner and GTA where grenades could help to get the way free) In my free time (I don't have much anymore) I try to build a big map (4096) where it could be enjoyable to drive around to complete a task or just to relax, reaching an upgrade or making money to buy cloths. Here is a little demo how it could become, it's a WIP so missing lot lot features. Enjoy watching this.
  6. Marcousik


    Nice! Would be very interesting to see this scene in a video with performance test (FPS) with animated Sky (sun + clouds+clouds shadows) with shaped models + a few NPC running their paths.
  7. Yes exactly, I used Blender to import the meshes, transfer each one to the bones skeleton, then export the character with all the clothes mesh merged on it, and then seperetly export clothe items as .fbx to import the models in Leadwerks as dropable loot/items to equip. It's much work but it works.
  8. look at that beginning 2.47 I made that for a long time, maybe it is interesting... Made with Mixamo and Leadwerks no ultra, it didn't exist The problem is you have to animate the mesh. So I imported an animated fuse character with blender and added all the mesh on the bones. Then set the mesh you don't want with invisible material, Create a clothe as dropable item and then just show() the corresponding clothe mesh on the player as he equips it Edit: you can't just show() it as it wasn't hidden, you have to replace the invisible material on the mesh with the clothe material with animated shader. Hope it can help
  9. If you can cover only half the map with this density of models with shapes ..... Please make a tuto !
  10. Incredible... I observed most of performances Issues were caused by the model shapes becoming too heavy. I would not have think shaders are not optimized... So you mean with the original LE4 shaders could this scene not be rendered?
  11. Is this Ultra or LE4 ? How much FPS can you reach with this? I always encounter FPS problems bei trying to make such fullfilled jungles landscape, especially on bigger maps. Looks very nice.
  12. Marcousik

    Sideways Terrain

    Does that mean we can sculpt holes and caverns in the terrain?
  13. Ok I got it to work. I made the test only on your DEVROOM_gameplay.map I found 2 problems: 1) In script Nurse.lua: Remove this line in start() - this causes the bug 2) Your nurse Entity is too little ! It runs under the raycast you are testing and so doesn't trigger anything. -> Just put a scale on the nurse entity (1,10,1) After that the nurse is going to be detected and is coming to the camera, I also reduced the murse move speed to 1 or 2
  14. Hi 2 ideas to try: 1) Check if this is not a child, if it is, it should be GetPosition(true) 2) I got an issue with pick() returning entities not precisely enough Try to replace the false with true in the Pick() arguments https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Entity_Pick it's about the "closest" arguments Also maybe use [Name-of-your-created-world].Pick(....)
  15. Hey Man you have to share more of your code, like this it's almost impossible to help. Seems your camera doesn't have a script attached, but you call it with "self.camera.script" -> This returns nil, error.
  16. Yes sure, just replace the "Voiture" child with the model you want, But let the name "Voiture" Adjust the tires and play around with the script values (mass, tires dimensions, dampers lenght...) Save the final result as .pfb and set this prefab in the script properties as path (needed to leave the car)
  17. I think all you are asking for can be solved through studying the "FPSPlayer.lua" script, this is a work each one has to do to here to learn scripting possibilities. This is an extract of this script:
  18. I think window:KeyDown(Key.Up) returns a bool value type: true or false.
  19. Try this: if window:KeyHit(Key.Space) and window:KeyDown(Key.W) then -- add here the code for a jump end And with the character controller it imay be preferable to use this: https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Entity_SetInput Look at the FPSPlayer.lua script
  20. Hello I updated the jeep car for Leadwerks 4.6 with all adjustments and implemented the new damping and balancing technics I could find to optimize vehicles with Leadwerks. So feel free to download and try the car, it's free, in the workshop! There are 3 cameras mode you can easily switch: Free, Following and First Person. The lights got an upgrade too. Added realistic shapes for the tires and the car: Credits sounds form Shadmar (vehicles worhkshop item) Credits Havenphilip for the sand tracing tire tracks https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=739604432 ************** IMPORTANT I uploaded a main.lua file in the workshop with the line world:Update() changed to world:Update(4) Otherwise it won't work. If you made changes to your main.lua, make a backup of the file before installing! *************** This should be the last big update. Enjooy!
  21. @Josh Great great news to read. Any idea when will it be avalable on steam ?
  22. Hi havenphilip, Would it be possible to make a shader that generates water little circle-waves around the position, where for exampl someone would have thrown a stone in water? Would you have a start idea for this or is that a way impossible?
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