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Everything posted by Marcousik

  1. I got a problem with all of this today too, trying to run a published stand alone LE game: I'm using windows 8.1 - standard 1920*1080 screen option. NO BETA VERSION ! This is what happened: When I execute the .exe, it forced the screen resolution to to highest option: 2715*1527 Then it executes the game in 1920*1080 at the top left of the screen. Going through alt+TAB in the option and set the resolution bachk to 1920*1080 solves the problem but it can't be a good solution.
  2. No I didn't - thx great thing - much better indeed
  3. I know Josh is very busy so this is no complaining ! I observed and got little bit disappointed recently that vegetation tool's trees (still) don't have a water reflection... Just to remember to get a finish point on this ?
  4. Well maybe it makes sense to study the mouse look in the FPSPlayer.lua (there are examples of how using Math:Curve() ) This is the mouse look in the UpdateWorld(): (I would not change this) And this is in the UpdatePhysics(): And somewhere I would add something like this for the third person view: self.camera:Move(0,0,-10)
  5. @macklebee Strange... I can't find this quoted script part in the Spectator.lua ?
  6. I have the same problem as tipforeveryone as I'm working on very small scaled worlds. One solution is to scale your model bigger just for the time you are working (adding pivots etc..) / set the entities you need as children / scale the model back in the little size will save the proportions.
  7. Working out of this subject: I tested a script for a simple "GoToPoint()" function for a customizable character controller for NPC. This may not be so good as the implemented LE character controller with classic navigation system but it could be promising to use it in open world (so not in much corridored dungeon game!) where the the NPC should crawl or swim or whatever do things as for example underscaled world (thats what I am actually interested in ?) The NPCs are using an "intelligent" World:Pick() system to find their way. The positive things in this are: - No need nav mesh to be build / free moving system - dynamic way searching so removing a block may let the NPCs go through - swim, crawl, crouch with triggers should be no problem - NPC are not only following a prepared way but they can be thrown as Patrol, choosing randomize positions to go, inside an area. - Scale as you want - The system let the NPC make a little analyse out of the Pick Infos so the way should be a human-logical way The negative point are: - The path will not be planned so far as allows the actually Navigation Leadwerks System so it is for sure not impossible that a NPC doesn't find the best way to go. This system does definiv not allow a NPC to "know" his way through the entire map. All NPCs are trying to find the best way from the position where they stay at the mooment, so never sure if/what they will find (no return of true/false that let you know the NPC found a way...) (even if this could be solved with "forcing" through a pivot where the way may be too complicated to find...) - The NPCs doen't move "round" but straight from point to point. - For sure more...? ? Here is a little demo: Testing 13.08.2018 20_00_48.mp4
  8. Marcousik

    Next Steps

    Weather system +++ Water and clouds systems +++ Road builder system ? It 's a must in an infinite world So yes it's a challenge to build weather system in LE4.5 but just as good as waiting for LE5 ?! I wonder how long will be LE4 in course after LE5 comes out....Just like nobody still use LE3 what ?
  9. Here what I obtained for now to get a really sunny atmosphere: (Using GodRays shader for the sun light effect)
  10. This is genious 100 * thanx ! Question more, should it be possible using the "new" PlayAnimation() command or not ?
  11. Hello, I was searching for this but could not find really something, Is it possible to rotate the Head while playing an "classic" animation like out of mixamo ? As for example if NPCs should look /turn head focusing/pointing on the player (or something else) while they are animated with a classic "Stand" animation ? Here there is something with Blendtime and rotation, but not sure if this is for specific Bones rotation... https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Entity_PlayAnimation
  12. Hey I test it, it works..Using the animation shader of Shadmar on the crawler material And added same shader "diffuse+normal+specular+dissolve.shader" on the shadow shader of the material. just added this in the UpdatePhysics() of the MonsterAI.lua local matos=self.entity:GetSurface(0):GetMaterial() matos:SetColor(1,1,1,matos:GetColor().a-0.001) For fun I tried this: matos:SetColor(0,0,0,matos:GetColor().a-0.002) Here to see: Test_First 24.07.2018 12_08_53.mp4
  13. Hey there, Would be so cool to know if this runs with LE 4.5 ? Download link without animation doesn't fire.. Thx ?
  14. That's nice isn't it? You can't control the real wheel because they have to follow the physics... BUT you can force the fake wheels to be placed where they should ?
  15. "When you know nothing and have to learn by brute force, trial and error, I don't like to copy other people's things, I like to try to understand things" That's right but we (humans being) all learn(ed) from each other, so I studied here a lot what other people publicated to understand and then try my own. And I'm so happy people shared things I would never have thought alone... You can try alone from 0 but it will take loooooong time to understand. Study the script that have been shared so you would see for example that each wheel needs a joint... And there is much more interesting things you CAN copy (well if you want) and then try to make it better/own things ? PS I think Josh said SetSpring() works without MotorEnabled() ?
  16. thx for sharing your ideas too I'm not sure about SetOmega how it works.... > I first thought SetOmega(..., false) would be what I need as the tires are children... But I could not get anything regular..?‍♀️ > Then I thought SetOmega(0,0,0) should be the best I want to drop down the crazy shaking rotations. > Then I found that self.entity:SetOmega(self.entity:GetOmega()*Vec3(-1,-1,-1)) is a little bit better. As it throws an inverted force to the angle velocity. > I think *Vec3(-5,-5,-5)) would make the shaking forces same (or more?) but just inverted, not tested I just did not try but maybe it works ?? It's fascinating to make several 100 of tests to understand how the engines works... There is much to learn from Docu and forum and so much remains to test how the engine answers.
  17. Edit, new feature and wheel bug corrected / sorry for that: Changed: > You can now place the car as you want in the map (no matter which rotation) > Add a script value for cutomizable steering speed > Add backward light red if you brake > Handbrake sound only to hear if you are fast driving > 3 different models to test
  18. I worked today on publishing a version of the drivable car workshop item for Leadwerks 4.5 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1440937059 free to use, works with the FPS player controller. Here is a demo: enjoy!
  19. It looks definivly better with hidden() ... So the sphere is not a child of the chassis ? Whatever, replace the sphere with a nice car model and it is ok for a little race game, isn't it ?
  20. Yes I did...Mass and suspension force are directly bound. I used: SetSpring(2000) forward and SetSpring(1000) backward. As I can't get it better to work, I still prefer with motor enabled ? and high mass. Maybe it is possible better but I just do not find the values ?‍♂️
  21. yes ok I get it... Mass= 100 chassis for 5 tires, but more or less it is the same as with motor enabled ?! MainGame 13.07.2018 13_10_24.mp4
  22. For now I get this with SetSpring(): It's better for the wheels but the car gets a bad jump effect. Mass of chassis is low: 500 MainGame 13.07.2018 12_02_41.mp4
  23. Right me too.. SetSpring gives results ok but enabling motor let very high speed
  24. ok I will try to test more in this
  25. I could not get anything running with SetSpring() at high speed ? Because chassis with little mass tends to sink to floor (backward or forward) as speed goes up, that's why big mass required and then I could not find a strong value enough to the string ? @ Josh, is SetSpring() compatible with SetStrength() and SetTargetAngle() ?
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