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  1. thank you for replys I think it would take a lot of work and time to develope a stable engine that I can release a bug-free software with. On the other hand, this way I will lose scripting , messaging system and GUI and I think multiple camera support would be a tough work for me to do too. I prefer to use a less powerful engine than developing my own engine. but thanks for the idea LE 3.0 is gonna be out soon? and again I'll lose scripting and messaging. I dont know about multiple camera and gui with Ogre. multiple camera support is very important to me. what about quest3d? it really does'nt have a SDK for visual C++ or something? I even think about Luxinia engine. I dont know if you heard of it. The problem is, Luxinia does'nt have SDK for any language either! It's a head scratcher problem for me! ;-) any other idea? thanks again.
  2. Hi, I'm starting a new simulation project. A robotic simulation software. what I need is an engine that : 1- use newton as it's physics engine (because it's the most accurate free physic engine) 2- Visual c++ api so I would be able to do complicated robotics calculations and other needs with visual c++ 3- scripting capability would be a great help for me (I've been using lua script at work for like 6 month so LUA scripting would be the best for me) 4- Multiple camera support 5- A user friendly GUI 6- messaging system is a great help plus I've been using LE at work (for game developing porposes) and I'm very comfortable with LE. there is one reason that prevent me from buying a LE license for myself. I dont need any graphical effects or something. I dont need skelton and skining either. I barely need a simple texture for robotic parts! but LE supports all of them, and that makes it to need a minimum requirement of Pixel Shader 3.0 to run. It's a kiiler for my software. because the customer of this software (probably a electronics engineer like myself), usually does'nt have a PS 3.0 support graphic card. so the software won't run on his/her system at all. so i'm wondering, is there any way to disable PS version shader checker before runing the engine? I would disable all graphics option, and use the lowest quality for render. will it help to run the software on a earlier PS version? beside of LE, I researched about Quest3D. it's perfect for me too, but there is a huge problem. Quest3D does'nt have a Visual C++ api or SDK!!! it just have a diagram editor, as I know. Am I right about that? Does Quest3D fulfit my needs? What about IRRLICHT? I'm so confused, and I will be very thankful if anyone can help me with this. thanks in advance.
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