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  1. Is there a way to get an offline version of the API reference (html or pdf)? When I am on the road, it is sometimes difficult to get internet access, and not having the API reference makes it impossible to program Leadwerks. I found a pdf that was generated in 2010 in the forum, but I do not know if contains the reference from the latest version of LW. E.
  2. Thanks everybody for replying. My first problem is my model itself. In the editor, I chose "Polymesh". Like MrShawkly said, they are problematic. I also read that the "Polymesh" react as if it has a mass of 0. Which is not good. So first thing I did, I change the "Polymesh" to the "ConvexHull". Second, when I was rotating the foosmen, I rotated the object itself. Unfortunately, rotating an object by itself does not affect the physics of the game. So I had to change the waythe rotation was done. This was more complicated than I though. Before, everything was controlled through a pivot, to which all the foosmen on the same rod were attached to. Now I have to individually assign a script to each foosmen, even if they are on the same rod. (I wish I could assign the script to the pivot, but it does not work) That script creates a joint.Hinge for each object. And in the UpdatePhysics function I had to use a script like this: -- if X has changed if currentMousePos.x ~= self.lastMousePos.x then -- calculate difference local diff = currentMousePos.x - self.lastMousePos.x -- calculate new rotation self.angle = self.angle + diff -- set the angle and speed so that movement is quick self.joint:SetMotorSpeed(diff * 60) self.joint:SetAngle(self.angle) self.joint:EnableMotor() else self.joint:DisableMotor() end Sometimes the rotation angle is wrong (I have to work on this), but now when a foosmen turn, it can come in contact with the ball. Now I have to figure out a way to move the foosmen laterally as well. I am presently trying with a slider. But it gives me a bit of problem and I do not know if I can combine both the slider and hinge on the same object.
  3. I am developping a small Foosball game. I set the ball object physics to Rigid Body, Prop, and with a mass of 5. The foosmen on a rod are attached to a pivot which controls their rotation. Each foosman physics is set to Rigid Body, Scene, Nav Obstacle = true. When the ball is moving, it can react to the foosmen rotating. If the ball is stopped, the foosmen pass through the ball. I suspect the way I set the physics is responsable for this. Does someone have a suggestion on how to set physics setting correctly so the foosmen can hit the ball when they are rotating. Thanks. E.
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