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Everything posted by Angelwolf

  1. Quick video of my shameless Doom clone in action. Have always loved Doom and Doom 2 and could never find another game just like the way it played. So here we are, I decided to give it a go and see what I could come up with using the Leadwerks engine!
  2. Download: https://elkcloner.itch.io/nightmare-prism A game I made for the Leadwerks Halloween 2017 game jam. It's a shameless clone of Quake and has elements of other games by id Software. Features some sounds you might remember!
  3. A short clip of the introduction scene to my new project: OtherSide
  4. Just wanted to say that your work here is incredible. Great job!
  5. I want to echo Slastraf's comment. This looks really cool and looks similar to what I was working on before Leadwerks stopped running on my system. Good luck with your project, it looks very promising!
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