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Everything posted by MaxAigner

  1. Indeed it really works! thank you so much! My driver seemed to be too old somehow - updating the Nvidia Driver solved the issue [Edit] I also had to force my notebook to use the GPU instead of the Intel Chip as martyj said. Dont know if there is a solution other than using the Nvidia driver(?) [/Edit] yours Max
  2. Hello People, I created a presentation software for a company and noted that the minimum requirements are OpenGL 4.0 and DirectX 11 and Shadermodel 4 (not sure about this). Turns out that on the Notebook with a GTX 630M and a Intel HD3000 (Optimus Technology) Windows 8.1 It seems not to work at all..(neither Leadwerks Editor/Launcher nor my program): ( Failed to initialize graphics. Please ensure your graphics hardware is compatible and install new graphics drivers) Did I miss a requirement? thanks in advance for your help! yours Max Aigner
  3. Hi beo6, Oh ok, yes actually it works now - it took me some time to understand how to implement it into my code - now it works very well - thank you!
  4. Hm that is awkward - anyway I have an Idea - Probably it is because of the touchpanel that both my "infected" computers have! probably you can try out a surface pro 3 -> maybe there are some issues because of the higher scaled touchpanel or something what do you think? yours Max
  5. @Olby: thank you again! I did not quite get it to run but it makes sence so I will try it these days.. @YouGroove: I am currently using Notepad++ and NOT the LE3 Lua Editor because I want these features: autocompletion CTRL+Left / Right --> skip a Word function CTRL+Backspace --> delete a word CTRL+SHIFT+ Left/Right --> Select a whole Word. When I select a Word all other Words around (which have the same content) are highlighted Better coordination of the STRG+F Search (text in search-textbox should be selected after STRG+F -> F3 Key - "SearchNext" should work immediately after I typed the text in the searchbox and pressed ENTER those are so easy functions and for me it enhances my development a lot. Notepad++ has these features so I use this..
  6. Yes you are right - sounds good to me - thanks for the great and fast support!
  7. that's awesome! thank you Olby! that is even better! (am I allowed to use this in a comercial software, too? )
  8. Hello everyone, I know I ask quite some questions the last days - it's just that I have only three days a week to develop my customers needs.. I need a possibility to convert PNG files to TEX files. Because my software will include the customers PNG files in the 3d Scene. Is there a sourcecode for saving in the TEX file format? (or a simple file description of TEX files...?) thank you in advance! - yours Max
  9. OK.. I played a bit around and read through your code beo6 - Isn't the code just for like 4 points? I need a code for N-points... nevertheless it is a good starting and I think I get the math of spline slowy, too When I have it I'll write the code.. for now this is also helpful:
  10. Good evening, As Mentioned in the caption - is there a possibility to link Notepad++ to Leadwerks engine so that if I press F5 it "compiles" ? Would be super Awesome! yours Max Aigner
  11. ok I will try it out - Thank you Einlander!
  12. I have tested it on two computers with a HD 4000 from Intel: Intelchip PLUS Monitor on my surface there is an Intel Chip and no monitor ! both have the oversized Leadwerks screen. on GTX 980 there it Works completely fine (no issue!) ! with the same code (the same exe file) the error comes only on high or HD resolutions like 2160x1440 or 1920x1080 Do you have a notebook to test it with a high resolution?
  13. first I looped through the GetGraphicsMode() Modes with a and just picked the one that has the same aspect ratio it was something like this: resolution = Vec2(0) countmodes = System:CountGraphicsModes() for i = 0 , countmodes -1, 1 do vec = System:GetGraphicsMode(i) if math.floor(1024/768) == math.floor(vec.x/vec.y) then resolution.x = vec.x resolution.y = vec.y end end (it had the same Issue of too big Fullscreens) NOW I am using an External Launcher But still I have that Issue but ONLY on three of my INTEL chips - not on two tested Nvidia devices.... DOWNLOAD Example (works with ALL Leadwerks fullscreen projects)
  14. nono I am creating a 1920x1080 fullscreen window on a 1920x1080 native resolution screen
  15. I already did this .. The two lines of code really work for you? Maybe you can test one for me a bit for me it shows the errormessage...
  16. Hello People, I have a question about one Intel Card Related Issue. Summary: When I Start a Leadwerks Program, the Fullscreen is bigger than the hardware-screen itself, so about 30% of the Leadwerks Content is outside of the hardware screen (see attached file) Download this example Code - change the resolutionx and resolutiony in the main.lua ( note the ball is not in center for big resolutions - you can see the too big fullscreen when you have a second screen on the right) Code: import "LEAddon.lua" Steamworks:Initialize() --Set the application title title="AMES Präsentation" -- notfalls über GetProperty einfach die commandline params "resx rexy" holen -> mit Purebasic dann einfach einen Launcher machen. resolution = Vec2(0) resolution = System:GetGraphicsMode(System:CountGraphicsModes()-1) countmodes = System:CountGraphicsModes() erg = Vec2(0) resolution.x = System:GetProperty("resx" , 1024) -- the resolution of the notebook is 1920 resolution.y = System:GetProperty("resy" , 768) -- resy is here: 1080 --Create a window local windowstyle = window.Titlebar windowstyle=windowstyle+window.FullScreen window=Window:Create(title,0,0,resolution.x , resolution.y,windowstyle) window:HideMouse() --Create the graphics context context=Context:Create(window,0) if context==nil then return end How can I fix this Issue of a too big screen...?
  17. hi everyone, I have just tried to implement an DLL into lua with the loadlib command. http://www.lua.org/pil/8.2.html#C-packages they say it should work but it does not Main.lua path = "c:\\windows\\system32\\user32.dll" local GetSystemMetrics = assert(loadlib(path, "GetSystemMetrics")) Error: "Script Error: Attempt to call global 'loadlib' (a nil value) Is there a way of enabling this? It would increase the possibilities of Leadwerks and Lua a Lot and it would allow us to make better leadwerks projects so that leadwerks can get more famous and bought more often!!
  18. Do not use Cycles -> it only works with the original internal Renderer switched on for me. so you have to give your models a blender Material and Texture and then it exports at least the right materials One Issue: For me it exports Model, Material and Texture but it does not combine Material and Texture together.. I Wish the Material would be automatically assigned.. is there a workaround? yours Max Aigner [if somebody asks this question again]
  19. Hello, Bugreport: 1. the Error "Couldn't find exportable Objects" comes if the selected Object has a Parent. Workaround: Unparent the object you want to export. 2. it would be awesome if the exporter would remember the checkboxes I checked (export only selected models) even when the last export went wrong... (the "export only selected" should be default in my opinion..) anyway a good exporter - keep updating! yours Max Aigner
  20. Hello forum, I am trying to make my camera move along some 3D points that also store rotation How can I make the movement smooth like in a spline? I don't know much about splines but found this for leadwerks 2: How can I do sth. like that on Leadwerks 3? thanks for your help! yours Max Aigner
  21. Hello Beo6! that looks very nice! I tried to include it into the main function after I copied the DLL and the lua file into the Folder where the EXEs are. just when I add the import("LEAddon.lua") into the main file on the very top, it prompts an error: attempt to call global 'require' - a nill value. do I have to change some more? I am quite new to lua yours Max
  22. Dear People of this Forum, I want to transfer a string to the windows - clipboard on the Lua Leadwerks version. how can I do so? PS: how can I use Windows API in general with Lua? thanks for your Help! yours Max Aigner
  23. Hallo, I have downloaded the latest review of the exporter and have already exported some models. Only my last model simply does not want to export! it has like 6641 Faces and several materials. Why do I get this error? Blendfile: http://workupload.com/file/aEZD5ac6 Thank you for you help in advance! - yours Max Aigner
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