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  1. Thanks for the quick response
  2. Is it possible to create subtractive lights in leadwerks? What I want is to create a negative light that can be attached to another actor for a cool moving darkness effect. I haven't figured out a way to make this work yet. If I enter a negative number into the brightness field it just gets reset to zero (i.e. the light does nothing). Can it be done?
  3. Fox

    Beta update available

    Man you're fast! You can ignore the question about the prefab change, it was a misunderstanding on my end. I was aware that the cage was changed a while back and it makes sense. I was referring to the lights inside the elevator shaft as it descends in "07-AI and Events.map". I noticed that the barrels there weren't casting shadows and when I checked the prefab it's "Cast Shadows" field was set to static. At first I assumed that had changed, not realizing that the light inside the prefab was still static+dynamic+buffered and it was a rendering issue. Thanks again for dealing with it so quickly
  4. Fox

    Beta update available

    Actually going through more of the tutorial maps it's starting to look like dynamic lighting/shadowcasting is broken entirely. Check out "04-Moving Platforms.map" too.
  5. Fox

    Beta update available

    I'm seeing a bit of a performance dip on the tutorial map "07-AI and Events.map" with this new build. On the last beta build I was able to get it running at a minimum of 35 FPS, averaging about 55 FPS. On this new build it's averaging closer to 35 FPS and dipping down into the low 20s in the larger rooms. I also noticed that the lightbox prefabs have been modified to only cast static shadows - wondering why the change? The elevator in particular loses something without the dynamic lights.
  6. same here, seeing it on the blood decals too.
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