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  1. A co-worker licensed it, and I was looking through it as he's been busy. Otherwise I'd be in the dev forums I'll see if I can get his L/P or something. And yes, the terrain is passable.
  2. I had a demo before, but I hadn't checked in the 2.4 licensed ver. My bad if that question was off, I'm mostly helping to design a plan of what's possible and what's not in the engine for this write up.
  3. I see that you can set the terrain invisible, but the collision still affects it. Is there a way to make the terrain where collision does not occur on these segements so someone could do something like a cave?
  4. We've been considering using Leadwerks as an engine base for a project. We've looked at quite a few engines and this one has a lot of features that are wonderful, including the editor. A few questions and concerns I have based on what we've discovered after we licensed the engine to tinker with. Is it possible to get the source code? This would make most of this moot since we could simply plug the features in that we'd like the engine to have. - Is there a way within the engine to get notifications of windows messages? These are required for subsystems being written, such as custom input. - Is there a way to disable the input system? The poll method versus event method isn't optimal for the UI subsystem we've written. - Is there a way to load worlds without the need for a graphics pipeline for use with dedicated servers and such? Some suggested features - Per vertex color blending on Terrain. This can yield better visual quality when used on maps as you can tint the terrain without using separate textures. Consider the idea of darkened terrain to make an area look soggy, or burned ground that has blackened hues. - More than one instance of terrains. This could allow for world streaming by unloading and loading terrains on the fly.
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