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  1. A bit of late, yes it is very sad to him, we lost a great programmer
  2. Yes for quickly to learn with purpose is training video because of a lot with codes as it is a fuller explanation. And shorter explanation as basic tool in text with images on how to do my game. Maybe a suggestion is to create a section for tutorial to community where others programmers share their tutorials as well, what do you think of that ? Because you can't do it all tutorial, right ?
  3. Thanks and it is very good idea ! I am for somewhat as snippet of codes for showing to "how i do make a game" on level from basic to advanced Because of beginners need all that to start something with Ultra Engine.... Hope that will make this one ! Good luck and I am looking forward to this Happy coding !
  4. I think it is incomplete your code to make a running smooth, you need to see the code with a premade as "CameraControls.lua" and then compare with your code on what it is wrong ... You need mouse as well and a setup of camera to view from world Hope that it helps you. Good luck.
  5. Nice ! It is awesome to some stuff ! Thanks for sharing
  6. Yeah, UltraEngine 0.9.6 is very awesome ! Check it this news : UltraEngine 0.9.6 Pretty nice and useful to some features Happy coding !
  7. Yes why not to switch both from FPS and TPS
  8. TPS please ! I would like to learn it and it is the most fun too Thank you !
  9. khotan


    Super cool !
  10. Hello Pleca, thank you it works now
  11. khotan


    imported from bunny model (stanford)
  12. Hi I have a problem for adding image in gallery section... And it creates two stuff in gallery, don't know if it is a bug but it make slow to add it... Sorry about that, can fix this issue please ? Thanks.
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