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Everything posted by aiaf

  1. Ubuntu 18.04 was just released and is a lts version i did a fresh install on my laptop. So i can report Leadwerks is working well. After installing a bunch of missing dependencies, got lots of errors on linking: /usr/bin/x86_64-linux-gnu-ld: Source/Libs/Leadwerks/Library/Linux/Debug/Leadwerks.a(dgCollisionChamferCylinder.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against symbol `_ZTV26dgCollisionChamferCylinder' can not be used when making a PIE object; recompile with -fPIC The fix was to add in CXX_FLAGS -no-pie option. Dont know the details of this but solved the issue. Cheers
  2. I like that simple game loop. Unity is an example how to not do an engine imo , bloated ,frequently crashing editor.Did a game for a game jam with it and im not touching that ever again. You create your specific systems for the game anyway and anyone will do it, le does the heavy lifting. Even thinking of new users , is better to have something done quickly to build confidence and not learning what not framework from the beginning. @AggrorJorn theres a site the pragmatic programmer bookshelf (https://pragprog.com/) have a look they have a section about becoming an author for them. A small book about leadwerks would be awesome.
  3. Dont have a scene doing by code. I think i dont know how to create the material properly , i attached the material and tex. Would be nice if the engine would cater more to people with no art skills like me , some more custom effects with settings to tweak would be really good to be included in the engine. Or have some tutorials centralized about different effects with Leadwerks. I give up on the sprite here is below what i did with emitter and point light, looks great imo. anomaly3.mat anomaly3.mat.meta anomaly3.tex anomaly3.tex.meta
  4. I tried with better texture. This is with the camera behind the sprite, as can be seen its not really transparent there is a red tint when over the blue model. Any idea ? any special step to make texture transparent
  5. View mode 0: Billboard, other thing doesnt make sense as camera is freemove in any direction. Hope for more hints, have no art skils .. Guess ill give it a try with particles
  6. Hello, Im trying to make a far away object , in this case a supernova.Want it to be pretty visible and not be able to travel to it. Cant use a skybox for this cause the unit (the blue thing) can spawn in different places around that supernova. My attempt below with a sprite looks really bad you can see is a quad (maybe because of lights also) , and when i move the camera i can see the sprite rotate. Other thing i want to try is with emitter or just really bright lights. but im worry about performance as that will be most time on screen. Any idea how i can make such thing look better ? Thanks
  7. Bonus , c++ debugger in visual code is decent replaced visual studio in windows with no problems.
  8. Like your idea , would support this. Have some generic tools/mechanics done for this game that can be grafted to other projects (camera, projectiles with physics, effects). Maybe this can help with kickstarter.
  9. You need the so version or static link the library (.a file). For more understanding: https://linux-audit.com/elf-binaries-on-linux-understanding-and-analysis/
  10. aiaf

    Mac version?

    Maybe this could help , seem khronos group trying to do something about vulkan on macOS/iOS. https://www.khronos.org/vulkan/portability-initiative
  11. You dont really need advanced OOP to use Leadwerks and can simply do a game procedural style is suported by c++ also. Unless new api is more simple to use for users i would go for oop. For example i really like this api change because it simplify things: local model = Model:Box() local box = CreateBox()
  12. aiaf

    Two ideas I have

    This community projects will be written in c++ or lua?
  13. aiaf

    Linux Build Problem

    I think sticking to the ubuntu lts version is best, that's my experience not doing intermediary updates anymore. 16.04 end of life is 2021 still getting updates.Next lts will be 18.04 on april.
  14. aiaf

    4.5 beta update 4

    Manged to build simple project for 4.5 with no problem with ubuntu 16.04.Have cmake file derived from codeblock file. -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1 i have this in CXXFLAGS, if this is 0 you get tons of error about abi.
  15. aiaf

    4.5 beta update 4

    Seen this FlushKeys not working in linux, but decided to investigate this at later date thinking is something with my code, good is fixed. Ill update to 4.5 linux today a bit later (have ubuntu 16.04 with 4.4), will put feedback here if i have problems.
  16. I upgraded to Leadwerks 4.5 beta. And lots of the errors seen below: error C2872: 'byte': ambiguous symbol https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/93889/error-c2872-byte-ambiguous-symbol.html This worked for me and solved the issue: In Project Properties -> Language -> C/C++ set The C++ Language Standard to ISO C++14 Standard (/std:c++14)
  17. Some gameplay (building, resource transfer). test.mp4 Sorry i dont know how to embed this video.
  18. Yeah. Thank you camera->Point(console->GetCurrentUnit()->GetModel()->GetPosition(), 2,Leadwerks::Time::GetSpeed()*0.01, 0.0);
  19. Camera can be at any position , facing any direction. Im trying to rotate it back to a given point, for example a model: console->GetCurrentUnit()->GetModel()->GetPosition(true) Tried to use AlignToVector but cant figure out what the vector should be: camera->AlignToVector(console->GetCurrentUnit()->GetModel()->GetPosition(true), 0, 0.01); camera->AlignToVector(console->GetCurrentUnit()->GetModel()->GetPosition(true), 1, 0.01); camera->AlignToVector(console->GetCurrentUnit()->GetModel()->GetPosition(true), 2, 0.01); Any idea how to do this ? Thanks
  20. Still not working, i have ubuntu 16.04. Loading texture "/home/alex/Downloads/TheCemetery/models/characters/dog/eye_eye_Color.tex"... Segmentation fault (core dumped)
  21. The linux version crashed(Segmentation fault) just after clicking on the story text page.
  22. aiaf

    Cannot compile binary

    gcc --version what output it gives ? This looks related to this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/PIE Try update your system.
  23. Implemented a simple menu system throughout the game, helps much with usability and all the console commands still exist under the hood. Main menu: Components menu:
  24. Do it the simple way first, too see what problems come up. From valve: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Latency_Compensating_Methods_in_Client/Server_In-game_Protocol_Design_and_Optimization
  25. aiaf

    EuroTrip II

    If you somehow pass by romania i can show you around, good places lots of beer
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