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  1. https://blog.sketchfab.com/announcing-the-sketchfab-download-api-a-search-bar-for-the-3d-world/ Sketchfab released their download API a few days ago which allows you to find models on Sketchfab and import them directly into your project from within the engine. It could be pretty neat but we already have the Steam workshop which is pretty much the same thing so I'm not sure if it's necessary. What do you think? ? Documentation: https://sketchfab.com/developers/download-api
  2. oh I didn't even notice it highlights the error lol I commented the highlighted line and uncommented the one above it and it works again
  3. Yeah, it's definitely Luawerks. I just replaced the Main.lua with a default one and it works
  4. This is the 2nd time I got this error. The first time I just made a new project and started over but this time I really don't feel like remaking it all again. Here's a screenshot: It worked just fine before I closed Leadwerks. When I reopened it without changing anything it just didn't work anymore. It doesn't say anything else. The error tab just says "Index out of range" and nothing else. No warnings either. The output tab says "Process Complete." I'm using Luawerks if that has something to do with it Any ideas, please?
  5. Make sure to select the "First-Person Shooter" template while creating a new project. The player prefab is in Prefabs -> player -> FPSPlayer
  6. Yup, you can. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=634076765
  7. You can disable the Steam overlay. Right click on Leadwerks, go to properties and there should be something about Steam Overlay so just untick it and you're good to go. You don't need it anyway and if you want to take a screenshot then just use the official screenshot tool.
  8. Have you pressed F12? For the single viewport thing maybe? F12 is the default screnshot hotkey on Steam
  9. function Script:PostRender(context) context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) context:DrawText("Leadwerks", 20, 20) end That's pretty much all you need
  10. You can make the visuals look better, you just gotta have a bit of imagination For example this room was pretty boring at first, but with a bunch of stuff added it's much better. And the performance is not bad even on my old PC with integrated gpu. ( PS: This is real time right from the engine )
  11. Nope, that doesn't work either. http://i.imgur.com/NEp7vFe.png I think there's something wrong with my Leadwerks
  12. Okay so I'm probably just stupid and doing something wrong because I haven't used Leadwerks in a while now but I need help with this little code - Script.box = "" --entity function Script:Start() local material = Material:Create() material:SetColor(1,0,0) end function Script:Collision(entity, position, normal, speed) self.box:SetMaterial(material) end I put it on a trigger ( Collision type is set to trigger, "box" is set to a CSG ) and everytime I enter the trigger the game just stops responding. I also tried Material:Load but that does not work either. Please help ;-;
  13. You could create a 2nd camera somewhere above the player and then render the camera to a texture. Something like this: http://leadwerks.wikidot.com/wiki:render-to-texture-security-cam
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