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Everything posted by Epsylon

  1. Epsylon


    This quite interest stuff! I dd sugests to put it on a workshop to... it make promotion to your store,website,blog or whatever... to go beyond... further and further.
  2. I dd like to seen a constructive discussion or even a sugestions...
  3. Without humore life is boring) A big thanks for response in that kind.I found those theme mentioned by you interest and some litleBig help in my devs...) BTW:A kind of content like: those scripts with some tricks with custom shaders helps me a lot to learn and calculate - sign in notes to take in mind . Cost i m not a programmer by mainline... mostly on a 3D and art and painting.That is a litle boost in my programming skills in LUA and C++/C#
  4. This is not a concept art or hi-res ... this is a gxl of my project, guys...) the pictures is from Blender,render algorithm Evee. Ill tried of course on LE4.6 but the shader materials PBRs is some difficult process to get the needed result as on sorce model.. So as soon as be the Linux build of UltraEngine (btw: all have purchasing this today!! even if it still for Win builds.).. And maybe we seen an active realtime actions...)) Cheers and Good Straights! Epsylon.
  5. 1-st material is a default "material" of a object or whatever model in the 3D space of your favorite 3D redactor (i.e: Blender) and it could have ANY color you like. 2-nd Texture is a surface diffuse/normal/specular color based on the texture itself (except the normal map parallax and specular textures cost it use the effect of it purpose and NOT the color that its have! And 3-rd... how you can be a game-dev or 3D designer that did known the simple and based rule of that? )
  6. Russian is correct If is posible to add a Greek language to and need some help with i can help)
  7. If its possible please make it real ... a keyboard shortcuts and custom key binding.. it will dramatical increase the speed in work and reduse te time and confusing with interfase and 3D space view.. and add a reflection shader by default will be verry helpful :-) PS:I hope im not asking to mutch...
  8. To avoid a spend of time,nerves..)do the follows steps..: 1. set you texture properties to DXT3. 2. at the material properties.. set: blendmode = solid, two sided, and finaly set the shaders to "leaves,shader"
  9. Just buy a new PS "power suply" and also check the compability of your MB with GFX ! Best luck!
  10. Ill ges its a major problem of the Blender itself in my case falks) costs its not only colapsing the above "main door" model and its animation..but also dosent bake the vertex color,textures to model..and have an issue in inport-export features.!! The core of that problem is...that ill make a mistake with transfering a folder with blender programm from one distro to another...and there was actualy not the same versions in addons and plugins (from 2.69 to 2.7+) and offcorse the configs also been transfered to...so..thats the deal with..)) And finaly the cure is : completely removing the previus folders and its configs from the directories..and download and using a fresh one with new configurations and addons (need to remove all of previus addons). I hope that this will help..
  11. Ill delet this model..but create from scratch a completely new one) the issue now is deformation of the model after exporting in LE. The animation is present in the model without armatures (ill intend to add armature leater) and works currentle in blender only!...here is the "blend" file grab it from my cloud https://yadi.sk/d/XN_RlcVSsygzA you can seet it for yourself..) BTW in this new model textures are only normals and defuse! no speculars and oclusion are presents (no needs) )
  12. While extracting a animated door for my project ill faced an issue like this (see the attachment- MainDoor2).. The problem is..that in a 3D space of Blender (the only and my favorite) ) everything is qute and floweles..BUT! when ill extract it to LE the animation is dissapired and the material is transparent..! Il applyed the all bunch of nesessary (animated) shaders,and physics..but without results... If anyone known what is a point that ill miss up,please respound.! Il be very glad and apriciate it. PS: English is my foreign language) so please try to undestand my gramatical mistakes) And something else.. the animation is playing but not seeng in the mesh window. And something else.. the animation is not playable in the mesh-show window but it is in the list..
  13. Geez man.. this is cool !! very nice work man! You just save my time to moderate the shader scrips for my needs..) PS: I'm glad tha you share it.. this is my first time that ill using somthning like this from community))
  14. Very nice job falks! Its was a wonderfull implement-addon that wuld be wery useful in future and current projects that actualy under developent )
  15. Allright then pal thanks for ansver! il just take my information for my asks..))
  16. Hey guys?! i have a simple...maybe silly question.... what is a maximmum resolution of textures that Leadwerks suports and handle without problems?
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