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Everything posted by tumira

  1. Trying to create cylinder or cone will crashes the editor. Wedge and Box is working fine. I have to use the menu items to create the other type primitives (Create->Primitives->Cone). I think you should just expose all the primitives creations button at the toolbar (box, wedge, cylinder, cone, sphere) . Previously in leadwerks we can change parameters for the primitives before we create them, (example Sphere, 12 sides). How do we do this in Ultra Engine ? Latest steam beta build (9.3 build 367)
  2. @reepblue are you using the beta branch ? @JoshCan you please make the step value to +-0.1 or maybe smaller instead of 1.0 for the face offset ?
  3. Hi The face offset is a bit buggy or not working correctly. If I tried to use the numeric up down for the U,V offset for the selected face, the materials or texture for the face wont move. Tested from steam beta branch
  4. Yup. You are correct
  5. @Josh The documentation for networking is bugged. I get "404: Not Found" when I clicked on the Networking subtopics.
  6. Thank you! Are we allowed to use this in other game engines or only in Leadwerks ?
  7. What map do you really need ? Just put atleast 3 merc prefabs in and empty map and increase the player health to 9999 and maybe more. Let them shoot you like crazy and the frame will drops and the sound will be missing and lags. I dont even change the default code for the soldier AI. This happens before and after I formatted my PC. To be honest, the only way you can test this if you actually have a soundcard that supports OpenAL like XFI and etc.
  8. I have this problem and already reported this. Basically if you have accelerated OpenAL there is a memory leak and will slow down leadwerks game to single digit and lags like hell. The slowdown happens to my Creative XFI (accelerated OpenAL), and to my logitech G35 (software openal). My integrated audio seems does not effect by this much.
  9. Will it be in Leadwerks 4 , Leadwerks 5 Or Turbo ? To be honest I'm a bit confused with current roadmap. Maybe you could write up a new detailed blogs on current roadmap ? What can we expect in Leadwerks 4, Leadweks 5, Turbo ? Will there be any discount ? No more steam ? Subscription based pricing ? Thanks. Good job on the new improvement.
  10. Please improve game character with higher bones animations speed.. Currently the zombie characters with 50ish bones will make the games slowed a lot compare to the crawler with 30ish bones. Anybody using mixamo or fuse will be disappointed if this is not rectify or improved.
  11. Will this bug fixed for 4.6 ? https://www.leadwerks.com/community/topic/17081-audio-position-are-wrong-in-surround-sound-speaker-71/ It still happens in current beta.
  12. In menu.lua find text start.map and replace it with your map name
  13. Did you add a camera into the scene? If there are two cameras, try to delete one of them
  14. Why did you export it as obj from Lightwave ? It does not has fbx exporter ? Maybe you can try collada(dae) or other formats ?
  15. I dont think this is unwrap properly or exported correctly. What tool did you use ?
  16. Can you do multi select in the editor ? I think I did tried leadwerks on manjaro kde but the multiselect is not working for me.
  17. Can we upgrade leadwerks 4 projects to leadwerks 5 when it is out ?
  18. Are you watching too much scifi movies or series ? Anyway I would wait for Leadwerks 5 to be released first then I will decide which is better for me to proceeds. I think that is a fair thing to do.
  19. You guys forgetting about open source and free game engines. I think Godot 3.1 is going to be a killer engine(with updated 2D and 3D). There is also banshee game engine, atomic , lumix and etc. When leadwerks 5 is released I'm seriously going to compare which is better and I honestly kinda hate subscription based pricing. I'm not going to have any loyalty to any product or brand. I will switch and use which product that is suitable for me in terms of cost, features wise and etc.
  20. Anybody managed to do this ? I'm also stucked here
  21. @Thirsty Panther Thank you for your reply. I don't have any problem importing assets and materials into leadwerks. My problem is the physics settings. The pottery model or asset is actually consists of multiple pieces that should crumbled or emulate that it is destroyed when it is spawned or loaded into the scene. I have two models of the same pottery. One is normal and another is when it is destroyed or cracked. For example I want the ability to shoot the normal pottery model and after it is hit by bullets, I want to switched or spawn the cracked one and it should shows the pieces on the ground or something. Here is how it is on Unity.
  22. I tried one of my model that I'm using cell fractured in blender and export it to Leadwerks. I tried to 1)set physics to convex 2)set mass to 1 or maybe even 5 or more 3)Physics type to rigidbody and prop (even tried debris) 4)Swept collision to on or even off All I get is, leadwerks hanged for few seconds and then exit back to the editor. The attached fbx is quite large in leadwerks, need to scale it down to 0.1% In unity I just need to add Mesh Collider and set it to convex, and also add rigidbody and It just works. Did I do something wrong ? Or leadwerks does not support this ? Cracked Pottery.fbx
  23. It is from this bug. maybe you can share some map with josh?
  24. For the AI and Event map, try to go down the lift and after that try to go back up. For me it is the same behavior as SGB.
  25. Entity->Camera->SetFOV is still wrong topics. Same with any topics below it.
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