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Everything posted by tumira

  1. tumira

    OGG Loader Update

    @Josh. Please increase viewport range for 4096x4096 terrain. Atleast provide the control or slider for us to increase it. The clipping make it look nasty. Using shadmar viewport hack have some weird artifact. Also please fix the nature dlc. All the rocks material still missing shadow shader and some of the tree, (I think pine4 ?) missing some shader also.
  2. @Lupin. Thank you for your suggestions and tips. I did try to change the Thread-optimisation in Nvidia control panel from auto to off and even on, it still the same jerkiness and stuttering and hitching. The frame limiting in 4.3 beta solves the problem for me.
  3. Definitely awesome update. Almost all jerkiness and hitching is gone without the need to use the max-prerendered frames=1 in nvidia control panel or third party frame limiting tool. Really good update! . Thank you josh for this. Been holding out from using leadwerks for almost a year because of this. Performance is also really2 good now with this new update.
  4. Why do I get "Who is calling this ?"
  5. It is average about 61,60,59. I'm using dual monitor setup. 1st monitor support refreshrate 60,59,50. My second monitor support 60Hz only. I'm testing leadwerks on 1st monitor. I just tried it again with frame limit 60, vsync on, 1920x1080, fullscreen, msaax2. The demo and gameplay is really smooth.. Sadly there is no way for me to show it to you. Im using steam fps counter instead of leadwerks built in. The leadwerks built in counter changes too fast to read the value.
  6. Seems like a failed attempt also. Anyway these are the videos The one without max prerendered enabled 1)https://www.dropbox.com/s/838g0e48jetfocp/2017-01-10%2002.10.13.mp4?dl=0 The one with max prerendered =1 2)https://www.dropbox.com/s/p9lm6p7i6i4a88v/2017-01-10%2002.16.16.mp4?dl=0 I hope you can see that video one jerkiness. The stair yellow pole ? shake alot while I am rotating while looking at it. My monitor is also really dusty. Haha. For video 2, it is still jerky but not as much. You wont see that much jerkiness in real monitor. Anyway quick questions, How come if my monitor refresh rate is 60, vsync is enabled, the frame rate is 60 but I still need to frame limit or frame cap my frame rate to 60 using msi afterburner to get a stable frame rate of 60 ? Shouldnt leadwerks limit itself to the refresh rate automatically when vsync is enabled ?
  7. I will try to record this with my phone to show it to you.
  8. Vsync off does not fixed the problem. I got about 130fps while doing the rotating around the stair pole near the lift. It does shows multiple tearing. Which is expected ? If I disabled Vsync and enable the prerendered to 1 it does make the scene look more calm and stable (it still is around 130fps at the same place), less jerkiness and hitching but the screen tearing is killing me.
  9. I still hope or wish you would implement something like frame smoothing or targeting or something. I have this game engine, it uses Opengl3.3 with pbr and frame smoothing and etc (It is really a buggy game engine). But even though the frame rate dropped to 45 ish, it is still really smooth and seems like fast. I think the guy implemented something called frame smoothing or targeting or something. I hope you will implement something like this in leadwerks. I wont name the game engine because it is the forum rules. Correct ?
  10. Before I forget, frame cap or limit to 60fps also fixes the problem for me(without the max pre-rendered settings to 1) I need to use MSI afterburner and set the frame cap or limit to 60. Even though I already have vsync enabled. My monitor refresh rate is 60.
  11. That link shows about GTAV and actually the maximum pre-rendered frames =1 will fixed the stuttering. Really odd problem. I only need to enable it for leadwerks engine. For other engines I don't actually have any problem like this. Is it related more on input devices ? But still I dont have this problem with other games or engines. Only leadwerks.
  12. For me , the solution for now with leadwerks is I have to enabled it in the Control Panel. If I disable NVidia pre-rendered frame, I will experience hitching and jerkiness while rotating and looking at something like the end of staircase. I dont have any problem with Doom, farcry or etc (with the nvidia pre-rendered frame disabled). I only need to enable it for leadwerks.
  13. Sadly I still experiencing hitching and jerkiness with the AI events map. (I'm using GTX970 and I72600k. Shouldn't be a problem with my setup. Set the resolution to 1920x1080,window.FullScreen, Lighting quality to 2, vsync on, msaa=2 At the place where there is a decal on the floor, go near the stair and try to rotate( pressing A or D) while looking at one of the stair pole. Got serious hitching and jerkiness. Reported it last month to Josh. It felt like the stair is having an earth quake or something. There is no way to actually record this since it will capped with 60fps while recording with shadowplay and the jerkiness is gone while recording. One quick solution for me is in Nvidia control panel, set "Maximum pre-rendered frames" to 1. It almost solved the problem with leadwerks game or demo. @Josh is there a way for you to implement this("Maximum pre-rendered frames") within leadwerks ?
  14. Is there a speed difference between those two ? How much speed difference would you expect ?
  15. Wohoo. I'm impressed with leadwerks community. I wonder why I left Leadwerks last year.. Thank Brutile. It works, sorta. I think I get it now. Need few tweaks. Thanks again.
  16. Anybody still have a copy of the shaders ? Can you please share it again ? I Thanks
  17. @gamecreator thanks for the suggestions. But still it would be nice to have the control on main screen and not having to go into Tools->Options->Viewports everytime I want to slow down or speed up the camera. Sometimes I want to move around the map to see If I missed something. Speed up or slow down button or options on the main screen would really help. There is still a lot of space on the toolbar.
  18. I'm currently testing a large terrain (4kx4k), but in viewport it is hard to see the terrain since it is clipping everywhere. I can see the water but not the terrain. So It is kinda weird. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/65841566/Terrain%20view%20distance.jpg I already set the terrainquality to 2. world:SetTerrainQuality(2) Is there a way to change the max view distance of the terrain on viewport ?
  19. Like the topic title said. Please make them available on the main screen It really hard to speed up or down the camera if you have a large terrain or level.
  20. @Josh Example ? If I want to limit it to 30fps or 60fps ?
  21. @lxFirebal69xl For the number two bug, the screen stretches too much or something. I think I have the some problem when playing your demo few weeks ago. Forgot to report it to you and Josh. Sorry. It could be because of nvidia DSR. Somehow it does not play nice with Leadwerks or your game. If the user installed NVIDIA Geforce Experience, it will sometimes enabled DSR automatically. So the user does not even know that it is even enabled. Also I'm using dual monitor setup (extended). Might be the cause of the problem also ? To fix this issue currently is disable DSR from NVIDIA control panel. Hopefully Josh can replicate and fix this officially without user need to disable DSR from NVIDIA Control Panel. (If it is Leadwerks problem and not your script or something) **I just tested this again to confirm. Yes It is fixed with DSR disabled.
  22. @genebris I understand, but not every user like to play their game with vsync off.
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