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Everything posted by tumira

  1. Yeah. Do a little digging and found out about Time:Step() . If i added this before Time:Update() , the stuttering is mostly gone. It is now smooth when rotating around object with vsync on.. But adding a Frame lock or frame limit manually like 30 , 60 or something might be better. For example I want to lock it to 30 or 45, I dont think this is possible for now unless using third party tool.
  2. Adding Time:Step() before Time:Update() in the Main.lua will solve this micro stuttering and jerky issues for my case. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/time/timestep-r501 Well you learn something new everyday.. So I guess when published our game, we can let the user to have the option to turn off frame cap or not this way ? Or there is more elegant way to do this ?
  3. I would like to request frame limiting or frame smoothing built into the engine. Currently I and others encounter these strange bug , stuttering or jerkiness when rotating or when looking at certain angle with flash light http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9182-frame-drops-when-rotating-camera/page__st__20 and this http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/15387-leadwerks-42-rc4-flashlight-causes-alot-of-performance-hit/ Frame limiting based on user monitor refresh rate or even let user define their own preference would be a cool features to make leadwerks game smooth and not jerky or stutter. My current solution is to install MSI afterburner and set the frame limit manually to 60 (based on my monitor refresh rate) would be great if this is built into the engine especially when vsync is on.
  4. @reaper2259 it is as default as what is in the example. So I assume Josh already make the optimization. @Josh Found the problem and a short term fix. Install MSI Afterburner and in the Rivaturner Statistic Server, Set the frame limit to 60 (To my Monitor refresh rate). Solved my problem with the flashlight and rotating around object microstuttering. Actually my fps when rotating is 60fps but somehow it is not smooth and jerky. Limiting the frame to 60 in Msi afterburner solved this. The jerky or stuttering happens even when Vsync is on in the Main.lua. I think I know why my friends that is using higher performance card (980ti) said that leadwerks game is not smooth also. I hope Josh can come out with some sort of targeting frame rate settings or frame rate smoothing or something. I suspect user with higher GPU speed may see this stuttering effect more. I would like to request some sort of frame smoothing or frame limiting features built into the engine if possible.
  5. Found the problem and a short term fix. Install MSI Afterburner and in the Rivaturner Statistic Server, Set the frame limit to 60 (To my Monitor refresh rate). Solved my problem with the flashlight and rotating around object microstuttering. Actually my fps when rotating is 60fps but somehow it is not smooth and jerky. Limiting the frame to 60 in Msi afterburner solved this. The jerky or stuttering happens even when Vsync is on in the Main.lua. I think I know why my friends that is using higher performance card (980ti) said that leadwerks game is not smooth also. I hope Josh can come out with some sort of targeting frame rate settings or frame rate smoothing or something. I suspect user with higher GPU speed may see this stuttering effect more.
  6. The problem do exist since i bought leadwerks last year.
  7. Not sure if I should bring back old topic. But is the mouse rotating around object stuttering is a known bug or fixed ? I get a strange stuttering when I try to rotate while looking at the stairs railing in the AI-Event demo. Windows 10 64Bit GTX970 My settings 1920x1080, msaa2, vsync=on,anisotropy filtering=16, fullscreen on. Funny thing is, I want to record and show this to Josh, when I turn on Shadowplay and try to record it, the stuttering when rotating is almost gone. But if I turn off recording, the stuttering is back.
  8. Flashlight will dropped performance from 60 to 43-48ish when it is on, is normal ? The framedrop is steady, it is not just dropped at certain time and coming back up. It will stays at the fps until I move the mouse or look at other angle.
  9. 1)Create new project (FPS Template) 2)Open "07-AI and Events.map" 3)Disable Vsync ( Main.lua line 81 context:Sync(false)) 4)Play the game, you will noticed that when the flashlight hit "controller.mdl" at certain angle the performance drop is quite big. These screenshots are at default settings and resolution (except vsync is off) 1)Flashlight on https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/65841566/Leadwerks/Leadwerks%204.2RC4%20Flash%20part%201.jpg 2)Flashlight off https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/65841566/Leadwerks/Leadwerks%204.2RC4%20Flash%20part%202.jpg 1)Flashlight on https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/65841566/Leadwerks/Leadwerks%204.2RC4%20Flash%20part%203.jpg 2)Flashlight off https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/65841566/Leadwerks/Leadwerks%204.2RC4%20Flash%20part%204.jpg If I change the resolution to 1920x1080, msaa=2, fullscreen , anisotropy filtering=16, vsync on and lighting to "2", it will easily drops to 45-48 ish at the same angle or room. If I turn off the flashlight, the speed will be 60fps. My spec I72600k 8GB 970GTX Latest driver Windows 10 64bit These screenshots are from (1920x1080, msaa=2, fullscreen , anisotropy filtering=16, vsync on and lighting to "2") 1)Flashlight on https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/65841566/Leadwerks/Leadwerks%204.2RC4%20Flash%20part%206.jpg 2)Flashlight off https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/65841566/Leadwerks/Leadwerks%204.2RC4%20Flash%20part%205.jpg This bug or performance impact causes some stuttering to happens. The performance drops will remain there until I turn off the flashlight.
  10. Not sure if this is placebo or something. But Leadwerks 4.2 seems to have higher fps for me.
  11. What happens after 3 months and you dont renew subscriptions? You wont be able to access anything?
  12. Hi Wchris I got error "attempt to index global 'watershader' (a nil value)" error on line 28 in water.lua How can I fix this ? ***Woops. Copied to wrong folder.
  13. tumira

    Shifting to DLCs

    I would be dissapointed if you would just ignore current DLC. Other game engine like Gameguru are actively updated their current DLC with new content, fixes and optimization with the engine.
  14. tumira

    2016 Plans

    Mac platform supports ? and new UI system maybe ?
  15. Hi Just bought Leadwerks. Still downloading.... Anyway can we sell items or assets at the store ? If so any tutorials to post at or upload to the store? Thanks
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