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Everything posted by MadCat

  1. Just for a debug here is what is in the Leadwerks.cfg file autorefreshassets=1 ShowWelcomeScreen=1 autobackenabled=1 TextureLock=1 FileSortMode=1 workshopsortmode=0 waterquality=1 ShowToolbar=1 autosavepath="Autosave/" mappath="Maps/" assetpath="" autobkstate=0 autobackup=5 projectauthor="MadCat" projectcopyright="Aust." defaultprojecttype="Lua" openfilename="C:\Users\MadCat\Documents\Leadwerks\Projects\Apocalyptic\Maps\Apocalyptic.map" openlastfile=0 sessionnumber=23 ignoreoutdatedproject=0 screenshotmemorywarninggiven=0 playanimation=1 texturequality=0 lastactionid=0 mainsplitterposition=395 subsplitterposition=120 workshopviewfiletype=17 explorersplitterposition=200 sendstats=1 explorersplitterorientation=3 terrainquality=1 hdrmode=0 EnableLegacyFeatures=0 projects="" projects31="C:/Users/MadCat/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Apocalyptic\Apocalyptic.werk|C:/Users/MadCat/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/FPS\FPS.werk|C:/Users/MadCat/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/TutorialSamples\Tutorial Samples.werk" hollowthickness=0.319999993 workshopquerytype=1 currentproject="MyGame.werk" onlypublishusedfiles=1 currentproject31="Apocalyptic" showmodelhierarchy=0 showviewportsliders=1 showmodelvertices=0 warninggiven_entityocclusionculling=0 ViewportPerspectivePanSpeed=1.00000000 ViewportPerspectiveMoveSpeed=0.200000003 ViewportPanSpeed=0.500000000 multisamplemode=2 camerasmoothing=0.500000000 lightquality=1 sandboxmode=1 showinvisiblematerials=1 showcm=1 rendermultisamplemode=4 showconsole=1 tessellationquality=2 modeleditorshowphysics=1 autocollect=0 resetviewportspeed=0 steamusername="" steambuildpath="" SuppressUppercaseConversion=0 screenshotfile="C:\Users\MadCat\Documents\Leadwerks\Screenshots\screenshot1.jpg" screenshotresolution=3 screenshotwidth=1024 screenshotheight=768 showbrushwidgets=1 UnlockBetaFeatures=0 anisotropicfilter=8.00000000 trilinearfiltermode=1 screenshottitle="My Game" screenshotdescription="I made this with Leadwerks Game Engine!" videotitle="My Game" importimagepath="C:\Users\MadCat\Documents\" videodescription="I made this with Leadwerks Game Engine!" viewportliveupdate=1 fov=70.0000000 IDEFontName="Consolas" IDEFontSize=10 undolevels=100 gutterbackgroundcolor="0.929411769","0.929411769","0.929411769" gutterforegroundcolor="0.501960814","0.501960814","0.501960814" ShowLineNumbers=1 CodeFolding=1 perspectiveBackgroundColor="0.184313729","0.313725501","0.450980395" selectioncolor="1.00000000","0.000000000","0.000000000" selectiontabcolor="1.00000000","1.00000000","1.00000000" drawobjectcolor="1.00000000","1.00000000","0.000000000" boundingboxcolor="1.00000000","1.00000000","1.00000000" entityguidecolor="0.000000000","1.00000000","1.00000000" debugmodewarninggiven=0 codeforegroundcolor="0.000000000","0.000000000","0.000000000" codebackgroundcolor="1.00000000","1.00000000","1.00000000" stringcolor="0.501960814","0.000000000","0.000000000" commentcolor="0.000000000","0.501960814","0.000000000" keywordcolor="0.000000000","0.000000000","1.00000000" macrocolor="0.000000000","0.000000000","1.00000000" majorgridlinescolor="0.400000006","0.400000006","0.400000006" minorgridlinescolor="0.301960796","0.301960796","0.301960796" origincolor="1.00000000","1.00000000","1.00000000" codefoldingcolor="0.501960814","0.501960814","0.501960814" MinModelColor="0.501960814","0.250980407","0.000000000" MaxModelColor="1.00000000","0.749019623","0.000000000" MinBrushColor="0.000000000","0.250980407","0.250980407","0.000000000" splashscreenduration=1 MaxBrushColor="0.000000000","0.749019623","0.749019623","0.000000000" projectspath="C:/Users/MadCat/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects" LastAppliedMaterialPath="./door (1).mat" lastappliedmaterialfileid=0 SelectionIgnoreHierarchy=0 BackgroundColor="0.250980407","0.250980407","0.250980407","1.00000000" SceneBrowserSplitterOrientation=0 SceneBrowserSplitterPosition=400 vsync=1 vpanely=0 CameraLookSpeed=1.00000000 assetbrowserrecursiveview=0 MaterialEditorModel=0 ViewportGridMajorLines=8 CodeCompletionTesting=0 ShowObjectBar=1 InstantCreate=1 GridSnap=0 View0=0 View1=1 View2=3 View3=2 scriptpath="Scripts/" prefabpath="Prefabs/" DrawPhysics=0 DrawNavigation=1 useglobalcoords=1 installedtemplates="" RecentFiles="C:/Users/MadCat/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Apocalyptic/Maps/Apocalyptic.map","C:/Users/MadCat/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/FPS/Maps/start.map","D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Leadwerks/Templates/First-Person Shooter/Maps/02-FPS Controller.map","D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Leadwerks/Templates/Tutorial Samples/Maps/Prefabs.map","","","","","","" RecentScriptFiles="C:/Users/MadCat/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Apocalyptic/Shaders/Model/diffuse+normal.shader","C:/Users/MadCat/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Apocalyptic/Scripts/Main.lua","C:/Users/MadCat/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Apocalyptic/Scripts/Objects/Player/ThirdPersonPlayer.lua","C:/Users/MadCat/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Apocalyptic/Scripts/Objects/AI/dog.lua","C:/Users/MadCat/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Apocalyptic/Scripts/Objects/Player/FPSPlayer.lua","C:/Users/MadCat/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/Apocalyptic/scripts/objects/player/fpsplayer.lua","C:/Users/MadCat/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/FPS/Scripts/Main.lua","","","" DrawEntityColor="0.000000000","1.00000000","1.00000000","1.00000000" AutoUpdateProperties=1 invertmousezoom=0 leftpanelstate=0 rightpanelstate=1 centerpanelstate=0 leftpanelposition=280 rightpanelposition=327 centerpanelposition=180 rightpaneldockableelements="" centerpaneldockableelements="" leftpaneldockableelements="" undockeddockableelements="" undockeddockableelementsshape="" RealtimeRender=0 ShowStats=1 MinBlockSize=0.00999999978 DisplayBlockSize=1 EditLockAngle=5.00000000 EditTabSize=8 BrushGuideColor="1.00000000","1.00000000","0.000000000","1.00000000" MainWindowShape="768","336","1024","768","1" MainWindowSplitterPosition=330 MainWindowSplitterOrientation=1 ViewportLayout="35","-5" MainWindowMode=0 AssetBrowserSplitterPosition=300 AssetBrowserSplitterOrientation=2 AssetBrowserThumbnailSize=6 MaterialEditorSplitterPosition=280 MaterialEditorSplitterOrientation=1 MaterialEditorShape="1475","763","1150","782" ModelEditorSplitterPosition=443 ModelEditorSplitterOrientation=3 ModelEditorShape="1251","645","1456","955" TextureEditorSplitterPosition=280 TextureEditorSplitterOrientation=1 TextureEditorShape="1204","733","1127","844" ShaderEditorSplitterPosition=280 ShaderEditorSplitterOrientation=1 ShaderEditorShape="0","0","0","0" ScriptEditorSplitterPosition=0 ScriptEditorSplitterOrientation=1 ScriptEditorShape="768","336","1024","768" FontEditorShape="0","0","750","450"
  2. Well it worked till I save the first project again Now it's back doing what it did before
  3. Hi All I have 1 project I am working on, but are wanting to start on another When I open Leadwerks my current project opens If I go to: File>Project Manager>New (create and project)>Ok what it says in the Capture1 happens If I go to: File>New the Capture2 happens When I click OK on ether Leadwerks closes And I can not make a new project Any idea?
  4. Just wondering if the tracks textures have been fixed Or is the a way to fix it?
  5. I have to say I'm really starting to be impressed with the graphics in Leadwerks I run a 4K monitor and ever sins the last few updates it seems that the graphics have improved alot Well done Josh & the Leadwerks team! Keep up the good work!
  6. Thanks martyj But the download is not there or has been removed
  7. Hi All Is there or has anyone made a Day Night sequence for the Skybox?
  8. I'll look into that Thanks Josh
  9. Don't know if this is the same as Steamworks but it seems the Leadwerks Beta has Steam Overlay
  10. From what I have learned in game development school sofar is an engine like Unity5 an handle about 1mil polys Not to shore about Unreal4 but think it's about the same I'm making a smaller lead in game for a MMOG that I want to be something similar in the way Star Citizen runs Big environments, planets & space with as much as I can get into an engine I know the Devs work together on it and the size of the team that works on it Was interested if Leadwerks is strong enuff to handle something like that
  11. At some stage I'm going to make a very big game, something in the like Star Citizen and where it going Lot of detail, lots of models, lots of characters, lots of things to do Is leadwerks capable of running such a game? Or would it need to be modified like what Star Citizen did with CryEngine
  12. I see I may have missed some things that some time Very easy for me to do that
  13. I'm back at school next year and they use Unity so we will be learning C# cos that's what Unity uses If it said use this as main .lua then it would make scene
  14. Thanks anyways It's a pity the API's don't actually tell you where or how to put or use the .lua or C++ If it said things like: "Put this code into this spot and it will do this" It's a lot easier for people like me to be shown what and how to do things than just "here's code go for it" Like this http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/entity/entitygetgravitymode-r145 It gives you the code says what it dose but doesn't tell you how to use it or where to use it No affiance to Josh this is a great engine and I'm learning heaps But the code side of things for it is lacking for people like me It's easy to say learn code but code language is not a language I understand In case you are wondering about the spelling, this site has Spell Check, YAY!!!!!!!
  15. I learn C# next year I'm also Dislexic so code is hard to understand
  16. Thanks But I don't know how to write code Will try the Dolly script
  17. Hi All What is the best way to make a cinematic in Leadwerks? 1. I'm making one for a avert at the start of my game 2. for cut-scenes 3. for loading screens
  18. Hi Josh I can PM you the map if you like? As far as the backup, I think cos there is a lot in the file nothing has backed up
  19. After a process of elimination and another pc I have found that one of my maps is cruet I don't kn ow how or why but after removing it from the project file Leadwerks opens and I can open every map except the map What a head ake
  20. well I'm Very Pissed of with it I have put a lot of time and money into this game and there are 3 others that are working on and now this Engine F's up Very Pissed Off!!
  21. no error if that's what you mean?
  22. ok as soon as i click OK it shuts down is there a way of stopping this
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