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Everything posted by MadCat

  1. Having trouble with this code It seems to work but my character is invisible
  2. I am having a problem with this script It's working but my character is invisible
  3. Thanks Wouldn't know how it works
  4. http://www.leadwerks...-person-camera/ http://www.leadwerks...erson-controls/ these do not exist anymore
  5. Hi All Can Leadwerks do Steam Achievements?
  6. May I ask what the solution to getting Third Person Camera to work is? Thinking about using it myself, I have the. lua code that comes with LE but can't get it to work
  7. MadCat


    Gamecreator please in future do not answer my posts
  8. MadCat


    as they say I you can say anything Nice, the Don't say anything at all!
  9. MadCat


    Thanks for the help Panther Gamecreator i do look for things on this website, i believe i have stated before that i am not a coder and dont understand it much Do you make a habit of doing this type of thing of talling people "there's a thread on that" or do you have something against someone asking for help? A few things about me: 1. I am dislexic 2. Code is a language i don't really understand 3. I also have a conition called irlen dyslexia wich makes reading and writing very hard 4. It's a lot ezeyer for someone like me to just ask for help than get frustrated with looking things up
  10. MadCat


    Hi All Just wondering how you get the main.lua to go Fullscreen no Window? I have it set to my screen res but unable to get it without a window
  11. To be very honest with you guys, I don't actually know how to read code
  12. I supose the other way is to make a Loading Screen But I'm not shore how to code that ether
  13. The call preloadWorld:Hide() sounds like the thing I need As I'm not a coder and I start learning code next year, I'm not shore how to get that to work
  14. Got it to work Just one thing, it takes a bit for it to load the next map What would be the best way to quicken that?
  15. Ok I see that it's looking for the map in the wrong location (project)
  16. I'll check all that Thanks
  17. Hi Just so you know I'm not a coder Yeah I changed the map name in (Script.mapname=""--string "Map Name") as the tut says and tested it and it dose is closes the test down
  18. Hi All Having trouble with the change map coding, followed the tuts but when it goes to change the map it closes Help? What and where dose things go, like map name? --[[ This script will act as a trigger to change the current map. Place this at the end of your map to make the player progress to the next level. ]]-- Script.mapname=""--string "Map Name" function Script:Start() self.enabled=true end function Script:Collision(entity, position, normal, speed) changemapname=self.mapname end function Script:Enable()--in if self.enabled==false then self.enabled=true self:CallOutputs("Enable") end end function Script:Disable()--in if self.enabled then self.enabled=false self:CallOutputs("Disable") end end
  19. Thanks mate but from what the links in the thread says you can't import the maps properly
  20. ok thanks what about Raiseland? it's also on steam
  21. Hi All I've been thinking of getting a program on steam called GEOVOX it's a terrain maker Just wondering if anyone has used it and/or knows if you can import terrain from it into Leadwerks?
  22. Hi Josh Thanks for that But I meant for when I publish a game will it run with a SLI setup or will it just use 1 gpu for the game graphics? Sorry for the confusion
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