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Everything posted by MadCat

  1. Hi thanks for the replies But I did even get that far I made a character in Zbrush, dropped its poly count and and used the Zplugins FBX Exproter to save it as an FBX fil Opened Leadwerks and it doesn't open it only gets to the first little window that opens I deleted the file and it still dose the same thing I left it for a hour and still didn't get past the same spot Now I can use leadwerks trying to get Screen Shot
  2. Hi All I was trying something today I made a character in a program called ZBrush and exported it as an FBX Now when I try to open Leadwerks it has a message "Converting filename.fbx" and dose nothing als Leadwerks only gets as far as the first little window that pops up Before I made the FBX file Leadwerks opened fine I have deleted the file and Leadwerks still dose the same thing HELP?
  3. Yep it worked Thanks!! Is there a way of slowing down the flicker?
  4. Hi Yep you shore did Josh lol I was viewing in-game (Run Game) I'll recopy your shader and see if it works Thanks
  5. There is blue in the hologram but there a lot of red as well Tried different orders of entering (shader, colour then alpha (so on ) No differences, still red shows up
  6. Hi Thanks mate that is working The only thing is I make a nice blue diffuse colour wen I add the shader it turns red? lol Is there an order you do it in?
  7. Do I put the shader in Post Effects in the Root or some were als? If I put it in Root the perspective screen it freezes it, can move the other screens but not the one
  8. Hi Thanks I not a coder But I can't get this to work, when you run it there is nothing there but it's shadow, you can see something when you shine the torch on it but it's not looking like a hologram, just some sort of shadow
  9. Hi Can you make Holograms & Holographs in Leadwerks or do you need another program?
  10. That worked Thank you
  11. thanks i'll give it a go
  12. Hi Can you got more than 60FPS?
  13. Well that worked! Went for a 5-7FPS to 48-60FPS!!!!!!! Thanks Josh!
  14. not shore on that one myself the only thing is I need lots of Point of Lights (a line of lights) unless there's another way of getting the same effect with less or one light?
  15. Hi I have noticed that the more lights you have in a scene the lower the FPS go 1. Why? 2. is there a way you improve this?
  16. Yeah that link does But the other links you gave did not That is why I asked
  17. Thanks Josh for the strait answer As I'm still learning all this it's nice to get a strait foreword answer
  18. Still doesn't tell me where to find the script to change it to fullscreen
  19. Thanks But can't find where to do that
  20. Hi Is there a way to run the game in Fullscreen?
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