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Everything posted by MadCat

  1. Hi How can you move the camera height for the FPSPlayer script? I have a tall charericter and the camera height is at the chest height
  2. Hi Where can I get or make Textures? Wanting to make some prefabs but the textures in the packs I have are not suitable for what I want
  3. but if you don't update you can't run your game
  4. Can anyone tell me how to stop getting this message If I click "Yes" I have to reinstall all textures and shaders If I Click "No" it goes away until I open Leadwerks again and Run my game
  5. hi i've got heaps of lighting, rooms, prefabs ect. i average about 5fps
  6. I found out my FPS drops to 0fps And when it starts up it's at 10fps Is there a way for increasing the FPS?
  7. when you go to move it stops n starts takes a bit for it to load if you moving it stops then when it starts agian your sudenly across the other side of a room that type of thing
  8. I'm getting a Lot of Lag when I run my game Anyone als have the same problem? Any fixes?
  9. sorted it out it was my butttons
  10. Hi Having a but of trouble getting the Multi-Level Elevator to work Followed the instructions but it's now working Is there some code I need to do? Any ideas?
  11. Hi I just add some things to my map and are getting this message Failed to load material "C:/Users/Josh/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/MyGame/AddOns/SciFi Interior Construction Kit/sektor74587.mat". Entity mass must be greater than 0. The funny thing is that there is: 1. no "C:/Users/Josh" file 2. no "MyGame" file 3. I even deleted "sektor74587.mat" And still get this message Removed the objects I put in and still this message HELP??!!
  12. yeah i worked it out the bad thing is when i run it (good: i get reflections) a lot of lighting is not there I'm over it
  13. ok got it so i can see the reflection there's just no reflection when you run it
  14. ok this is weird i think it is working? i can only see a reflection when you click on the box and it's highlighted when the box is not highlighted and when you run with a FPSPlayer there is no reflection is that right?? O.o
  15. ok I'll give that a go thanks if it still don't work then I'm doing something wrong then
  16. Thank you Brutile Someone who can give a guide as to what to do Thank you Brutile again But it didn't work Thanks for going to the effort of showing what to do Much appreciated
  17. Isn't this a Leadwerks shader? made in Leadwerks for Leadwerks? although the description doesn't say anything I finely got an answer from 1 of the makers But basically all he said was " Hi. I have no way to verify the shader in the new version of the engine. The shader works as a post effect. Read the first to comment from Shadmar"
  18. Hi Macklebee The link you gave, the guy used Photoshop to get it to work, Photoshop is a $1000 progarm And no I don't thing this shader is worth anything close to $1K The add only says in the description "Screen-Space Local Reflections" Nothing about using any other programs to get it to work If you going to put something on that needs other programs to work say so and what programs to use Not just a description of what it is Tell us how to use it Also when people ask for help? answer them I spent close to 2 hours trying to get this shader to work be cos there is no instructions on how to do so Asking for help getting no answers from the makers You say they did a great job? but how dose is work? there are no instructions Leadwerks is my first real game engine and so far everything is pretty much easy to use bar the SSLR shader Please don't take this as being rude Just frustrated
  19. So you need Photoshop to use the SSLR shader It would be nice to know that you need to spend almost $1K on a program to use a free shader This is probably why the guys that made this shader don't answer any messages and give advice If this is the case I suggest that the shader is removed becos you can't use it unless you buy Photoshop In other words I'm saying this is a $1K shader
  20. I've looked through everything and the is only a sslr.shader file can not find any sslr.lua file I tried what you said, but it did nothing It seems the 2 guys who made this shader don't respond to help with something they made, or give any instructions on how to use it
  21. i can't find where to do that and i use nvidia
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