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  1. For maps with large number of entities, it would be nice if I can display a progress of loading. So, I need this information. So far I don't now how to get the number of entities in the map, without load it first.
  2. I'll take a look. Thank you very much!
  3. Hi, Is there any way to get the number of entities they are stored in a map file. I know that I can iterate through all the entities using the hook function, but I was wondering If I can get the number of entities without iteration
  4. Thank you, I was expecting such an answer, but it was not working, due to a bug in my code. I created the camera before the world I spent 2 hours to find it...
  5. Neither of those. I need to switch between the two cameras on one monitor in full-screen mode
  6. Hi, Is there any way to alternate two different full-screen cameras in my game. Please note that I am not interested to split the screen or display a mini map for example.
  7. Thank you, It works. Here is a code snippet for anyone may interested for a quick pick: iVec2 gm; for (int i = 0; i < System::CountGraphicsModes(); ++i) gm = System::GetGraphicsMode(i); pWindow = Window::Create("Hello world", 0, 0, gm.x, gm.y, Window::FullScreen);
  8. Hi, The following function call returns a NULL pointer: pWindow = Window::Create("Hello World", 0, 0, 1280, 720); Any idea why does this happening?
  9. I really don't know much about the new engine, except the GUI. I don't think that the new engine will face issues like this one above., since this is the nature of a physics engine. And this is exactly the reason I prefer to avoid physics most of the time
  10. Thank you. I prefer to write some code to cancel the controller on the platform and move the player as a regular rigid body. I don't know though, if this is possible.
  11. It is true A month ago I was playing with the GODOT engine and I found that there is an alternative function 'update()' for the player, with a snap parameter which perfectly fits for a nice movement on moving platforms (2D)
  12. I agree. I tried both the friction and the gravity without success. It seems that a character controller has its own rules. If I have time, I'll try to implement a player without using the character controller physics.
  13. Thank you both for the tips, but none of these work. I was hoping that setting the physics mode to 'CharacterPhysics' for the player, will solve issues like these
  14. Hi, In the video below you can see that every time I move the character forward, it moves a bit to the direction of the moving platform Does anyone know if I can avoid this? Here is how I create the player: pControler = Pivot::Create(); pControler->SetPhysicsMode(Entity::CharacterPhysics); pControler->SetMass(1.0); pControler->SetPosition(pEntity->GetPosition(true)); pEntity->SetParent(pControler, true); pEntity->SetPosition(0.0, getHeight(), 0.0); pEntity->SetShape(NULL); pEntity->SetMass(0.0); and here is how I create the platform: std::string szVal; Vec3 origin; Vec3 distance; origin = pEntity->GetPosition(true); distance.x = std::atof(pEntity->GetKeyValue("Dx", "").c_str()); distance.y = std::atof(pEntity->GetKeyValue("Dy", "").c_str()); distance.z = std::atof(pEntity->GetKeyValue("Dz", "").c_str()); bEnabled = (bool)std::atoi(pEntity->GetKeyValue("Enabled", "").c_str()); pEntity->SetShadowMode(2); pEntity->SetGravityMode(false); pEntity->SetCollisionType(Collision::Prop); pEntity->SetMass(1.0); pJoint = NULL; SetTarget(origin, origin + distance); The SetTarget function: Vec3 pin; mOrigin = origin; mTarget = target; mDistance = mTarget - mOrigin; if (pJoint) { pJoint->DisableMotor(); pJoint->Release(); } pin = mDistance.Normalize(); pJoint = Joint::Slider(mOrigin.x, mOrigin.y, mOrigin.z, pin.x, pin.y, pin.z, pEntity, NULL); pJoint->EnableMotor(); pJoint->SetMotorSpeed(2.0); pJoint->SetTargetAngle(mDistance.Length());
  15. Yes, it has. I set up a physics shape to NULL: pEntity->SetShape(NULL); and it works OK. Thank you!
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