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  1. I created a thread on steam but someone requested me to make a thread here. Please don't lock as spam until I can get the appropriate response. Thanks!! https://steamcommunity.com/app/251810/discussions/0/3288067088097749702/
  2. I was watching this tutorial about a trigger that teleports players to a respawn point to mock a falling to one's death and respawning. I noticed 2 differences which may or may not be problems. First in the code: My code: Script.respawnPoint = "" --entity "Respawn Point" function Script:Collision(entity, position, normal, speed) if(entity:GetKeyValue ("name") == ("Player")) then spawnPos = self.respawnPoint:GetPosition() entity.SetPosition(spawnPos) end end his code: Script.respawnPoint = "" --entity "Respawn Point" function Script:Collision(entity, position, normal, speed) if(entity:GetKeyValue ("name") == ("Player") then spawnPos = self.respawnPoint:GetPosition() entity.SetPosition(spawnPos) end end As you can see in line 3, he lacks a second paranthasis after ("player") A second difference is in my steam edition (which was claimed to be compatable) I am lacking some physics functions. I have: Physics mode; collision type; Mass; Character angle; Swept collision; Nav Obstacle; He has: //all of that; and shape functions such as: shape; shape offset; shape rotation; shape size; What is wrong with my code? Everything else is exactly the same. Does his shape thing mean anything?
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