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  1. That sounds really intresting and if you write the story well enough, it could develop into a really deep and immersive story. And allows a lot of cool stuff in the map design! Maybe things like trees that have grown through the floor and all the way through the roof, letting in a bit of moonlight. I give my thumbs up to your plot!
  2. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/ai-pathfinding-and-events-r28 That's the tutorial I'm talking about. Open the map in Leadworks and inspect the environment. Also: I really suggest taking a look at developer commentaries for games. For example I learned a lot about map lighting from Left 4 Dead's developer commentaries. They explained how to focus the light to create an atmosphere and how to use it to manipulate the player. I also recommend to think of a story before making the scene. Why was it abandonned? Evacuated in a hurry? Did something kill everyone? Was it just left unused and forgotten for the vegetation to take over? Were you left behind in an evacuation or did you just wake up there? Or maybe you're there to save a friend who went exploring and never returned? What are you scared of? The dark combined with creepy sounds, or maybe monsters... Or ar they just hallucinations? These are just some suggestions and ideas. I'm sure you can come up with even better ideas! Creating a story really helps come up with stuff needed to create the atmosphere.
  3. I'm kinda struggling with the same problem. Here's my first project. It's still really dull and empty, but I plan on adding ventilation shafts etc. to fill some of the empty space near the roof in both the corridor and the bigger hall. I'm pretty proud of it so far, even though it looks nowhere near professionally made. It's not special, but it's mine. I suggest browsing the workshop with care to find new stuff to fill the voids of your maps. I found a lot of neat stuff there and installed them just in case I need them at some point. But I have an issue with lighting. That is as dark as it gets with no lights in the spawn corridor and I have no clue how to make it darker. I want it to be nearly pitch black so I can adjust the atmosphere with actual lights. Same in the big hall. I only have two blinking attention lights, one flickering roof light and one flickering smaller light. Once you press a button, all 3 roof lights turn on, the attention lights change color and the flickering lights stop flickering. But right now you can't even see the difference when they're on and off since it's so damn bright anyway. Can I somehow make it darker? EDIT: User "Olby" told me to change the ambient light color from the root node and it worked. (Orignals: 46, 53, 82. I ended up putting 9, 11,16, which is a fifth of the original) Thanks Olby! Oh and OP, your screenshot looks really good in my opinion. As for the cubiness. Open up the AI tutorial and take a look at how they've made the map appear less like a cube. They've added support structures and stuff like that to make it look more realistic.
  4. Thanks! Now that you say it, it's the obvious thing to do, but for some reason it didn't even cross my mind to use the prefab instead of the model.
  5. Hi! I'm quite a newbie with LE, but I've gone through all the non-lua-tutorials. I'm making a map which I try to use all the basic features in to learn their proper uses. I'm currently struggling with making a pickable crate. It falls through the floor every time I set it's mass to anything but 0 and I can't seem to get it to collide with the player either. The crate is crate_small.mdl expanded to 300% size with physics set as Rigid body and collision as Prop. So far the only script attached is impactnoise.lua. The floor beneath is a standard box with no scripts. It's set as Rigid body and Scene with a mass of 0. It's also a nav obstacle and the material used is greygrid.mat. What I would want the crate to do, is for it to be located somewhere in the scene so the player has to pick it up and use it to get onto the ramp and to the control panel. Thus, I need it to collide with the player and environment and it needs to be pickable. I have 3 screenshots attached: Sieppaa1.png = picture of the scene with the crate located where it needs to be lifted by the player. Also includes physics of crate. Sieppaa2.png = Scripts of the crate Sieppaa3.png = The floor's physics There might be some brainfart on my end since I'm new, but I can't seem to figure it out. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
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