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  1. This matter has been resolved by Josh. Thank-you for your time and attention with this matter.
  2. The items that I purchased from the Leadwerks Workshop are listed in the screenshot provided. All of the DLC's install without any issues.
  3. Fair enough, however how can I download the items that I have previously paid for? Is there a way that you can send them directly? This would be very helpful and appreciated.
  4. The Leadwerks Workshop paid items will not download, however the free items seem to be fine. Since in the past I have purchased several items, I would really like to have access to these items. Perhaps an option to download all paid for items as a single download could be implemented, so that that they can be backed up locally, as the Workshop continues to be unreliable. Thank-you
  5. Actually all the dependencies were installed, the issue was corrected by changing the pinned library in the Steam runtime and linking to the system curl library. Because Leadwerk projects compile in Codblocks IDE, this lead me to believe that the libcurl library version that comes with the Steam runtime is not compatible with Leadwerks. cd /home/$USER/.steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/pinned_libs_64 mv libcurl.so.4 libcurl.so.4.bak ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcurl.so.4 libcurl.so.4 Even though this problem presented itself in Debian Buster, later my rig was reinstalled with Linux Mint 19.2 (Ubuntu 18.04 base) and the problem presented itself again. The method above was only applied to the Linux Mint 19.2 install, but it is very likely that the "patch" will work with Ubuntu 18.04 and Debian Buster.
  6. Since yesterday's Steam client update, this error now pops up and does not allow the project to Run: ../.steam/debian-installation/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/pinned_libs_64/libcurl.so.4: version `CURL_OPENSSL_4' not found Prior to the update, all was functioning as expected.
  7. A short while ago I post the libcurl issue on the Steam discussion with the title "Ubuntu 18.04 -> `CURL_OPENSSL_3' not found". Later I figured out a workaround, but it requires the Professional Edition DLC. "Looks like a workaround has been found. If a project is opened up using the Leadwerks editor, and attempted to run it fails, due to the problem indicated above. However, if the project is opened up in Codeblocks, recompiled, and then reopened up in Leadwerks it will run as it should. This test was performed using Leadwerks 4.5 and requires the Profession Edition DLC."
  8. It would be really nice to have these ("MyActor.h" and MyActor.cpp") included in the Source directory, as indicated in the tutorial, or at least posted somewhere on the forum. To further C++ progress, people following the C++ tutorials do need to reference them.
  9. Using "find . -type f -exec grep nodes.mat {} \;" and "find . -type f -exec grep handler.mat {} \;", it appears that the issue is within the prefabs as well: Binary file ./Prefabs/PathNode.pfb matches Binary file ./Prefabs/RoadNode.pfb matches Binary file ./ExampleMaps/Roads/Roads - Road options.map matches Binary file ./ExampleMaps/Paths/Paths - Rotation based on nodes.map matches Binary file ./ExampleMaps/Paths/Paths - Camera freelook.map matches Binary file ./ExampleMaps/Paths/Paths - Moving platforms.map matches Binary file ./ExampleMaps/Paths/Paths - Rotation based on spline.map matches Binary file ./ExampleMaps/Paths/Paths - Camera lookat.map matches From what I am seeing, the problem is Leadwerks, on the Microsoft platform, is not case sensitive, when it comes to building prefabs and maps. However, using a hexeditor, looking at the map and prefab files, while using the Leadwerks on GNU/Linux, case sensitivity is being used. Likely this is nothing of a solution, but an assisted investigation.
  10. The price was $9.99 USD ($12.49 CDN) this morning.
  11. It is finally active in the workshop. Thank-you Aggror.
  12. Pretty sure you need to upgrade to 4.4.
  13. Nice work. It is really excellent that you shared these at no charge and it would be awesome to see more of your work in the workshop. Keep up the excellent work.
  14. Here is another video showing the issue and a work around: https://youtu.be/vvYrZrNa7pM
  15. Seems that scripts cannot be attached to objects, while using Linux Mint 18.2. In the following video an attempt to attach the Spectator.lua script to a camera results in failure. This was also applied to a CSG and the TriggerChangeMap.lua, ending with the same results. https://youtu.be/ucTMUP8cZSg Edit: This morning the Leadwerks contents were verified through Steam and everything checked out. Also, started a new Leadwerks configuration directory, and project, ending with the same results. Scripts are not attachable. @Josh
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