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Everything posted by SpEcIeS

  1. Using "find . -type f -exec grep nodes.mat {} \;" and "find . -type f -exec grep handler.mat {} \;", it appears that the issue is within the prefabs as well: Binary file ./Prefabs/PathNode.pfb matches Binary file ./Prefabs/RoadNode.pfb matches Binary file ./ExampleMaps/Roads/Roads - Road options.map matches Binary file ./ExampleMaps/Paths/Paths - Rotation based on nodes.map matches Binary file ./ExampleMaps/Paths/Paths - Camera freelook.map matches Binary file ./ExampleMaps/Paths/Paths - Moving platforms.map matches Binary file ./ExampleMaps/Paths/Paths - Rotation based on spline.map matches Binary file ./ExampleMaps/Paths/Paths - Camera lookat.map matches From what I am seeing, the problem is Leadwerks, on the Microsoft platform, is not case sensitive, when it comes to building prefabs and maps. However, using a hexeditor, looking at the map and prefab files, while using the Leadwerks on GNU/Linux, case sensitivity is being used. Likely this is nothing of a solution, but an assisted investigation.
  2. The price was $9.99 USD ($12.49 CDN) this morning.
  3. It is finally active in the workshop. Thank-you Aggror.
  4. Nice work. It is really excellent that you shared these at no charge and it would be awesome to see more of your work in the workshop. Keep up the excellent work.
  5. In the open source community, many people donate code, and projects. This is a major features in the GNU/Linux community, however many do get paid, whether as a wadge or donation, from one company, or organisation. Globally a lot of people will also donate code and spend time contributing to the free, as in speech, and open cause. Licenses such as the GPL, protect the freedom of code and distribution of code. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_General_Public_License
  6. Sure.. looking at it now, but the curiosity had me. @jen yeah, it is certainly an interesting game engine. I have even gone through the trouble to compile UE4 (4.17.1), but my preference is still Leadwerks. Sometimes it is interesting to see what others are using and what the pros/cons are to these options. When it comes to such issues as license, then I am always interested.
  7. This is the first time I have heard of this engine and now checking it out. Thanks for mentioning this game engine. I always come back to Leadwerks.
  8. Since this was something that was not even considered, this information that you have provided will be most helpful. Many thanks.
  9. The last few days have been a GUI experiment time. Now applying color to panels seem to be easily done with: GameMenu.mainpanel:SetObject("backgroundcolor",Vec4(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5)), however this does not seem to work with the button widget. What would be the method of changing color with widgets such as buttons?
  10. Awesome progress. The finished product is really something to look forward to. The evolution of this project as well. Thank-you for posting videos of your project progression.
  11. To acquire the values for SetFogColor you will need to divide each RGBA value by 255. Script.fogcolor = Vec4((14/255),(79/255),(0/255),(255/255)) ... self.camera:SetFogColor (self.fogcolor.r,self.fogcolor.g,self.fogcolor.b,self.fogcolor.a) You could also use the colour selector: Script.fogcolor = Vec4(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0) --color "Color Picker"
  12. Seems to work fine with Linux Mint 18.2.
  13. Here are the basic Leadwerks tutorials: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/.
  14. Not sure if this helps, but did you bind the armature to the mesh? Using Object Mode, here is a rough guideline: - bring in metarig with Shift+A -> select Armature -> metarig type - manuplating a rigified armature - object mode - Ctl+A -> Apply -> Location - Apply -> Rotation + Scale - deselect everything - select the metarig - Armature tab -> Rigify Buttons -> Generate - hide metarig - use the new "rig" - select all - deselect the light and camera, if any - With the new "rig" as the primary selection: - Ctl+P -> Set Parent To -> Armature Deform -> with Automatic Weights
  15. When this interesting package is uninstalled, it removes the following shaders: directionallight.shader pointlight.shader spotlight.shader. Perhaps backing them up before installation would be an idea.
  16. Yes, unfortunately it does not change anything. If you try out the code, but change "Model:Cylinder" to "Model:Box", or "Model:Sphere", the material loads as expected. If Cylinder, or Cone is applied to Load, the material does not get used.
  17. Created a script this morning to load a cylinder with an attached script, however the material does not seem to load for the cylinder, or a cone, shaped CSG. Spheres and boxes load without issue. Not really sure why the materials are not loading, but I am hoping someone could clear this up. function Script:Use(entity) local bottle = Model:Cylinder() local material = Material:Load("Materials/Developer/bluegrid.mat") bottle:SetMaterial(material) bottle:SetScale(0.15,0.65,0.15) bottle:SetPosition(-4.4,1.6,1.9) local shape = Shape:Cylinder() bottle:SetShape(shape) bottle:SetMass(1) bottle:SetScript("Scripts/Functions/PickupHealth.lua") end
  18. Today curiosity got the best of me and I install Unity3d 5.1.0f3 Personl for Ubuntu (Debian derivatives) and the models work just fine and import without issue. There are no patches,or missing portions, in the materials of models with animation, thus furthering the conclusion that the Leadwerks model editor is flawed on the GNU/Linux platform.
  19. Maybe using Blender would be a better option for correcting black models?
  20. Same issue here using Debian Jessie x86_64. Not sure if it is an LE issue, as I can load up my projects in full screen without a problem, but, like Braqoon suggested, maybe a window toggle would be helpful. Great start and I am really looking forward to seeing how this project evolves.
  21. For the last few days I have built a program in LE that loads a model, applies the materials, and allows all animations to be accessed without flaw. All this was done via lua script. The use of models, and manipulation of said models, is possible without the use of the GNU/Linux version of the buggy model editor. I do have a question regarding "Strip Vertex Colors". Some models, when loaded, are black and absolutely huge. lol So, I have applied a rescaling to solve the size and have used a method, surface:UpdateNormals(true,.00001,150.0), to change each of the surfaces from black to the material designs. When looking at the model editor under Option -> Strip Vertex Colors, code wise, what exactly is being applied here? Correction (I cannot seem to edit my posts): Tools -> Strip Vertex Colors So I can.. sort of. O.o
  22. Replaced the false with self.crouched in the UpdatePhysics function? If so, maybe it is what macklebee was saying about the height. --With smoothing --Position camera at correct height and playerPosition --self.entity:SetInput(self.camRotation.y, playerMovement.z, playerMovement.x, jump , false, 1.0, 0.5, true) self.entity:SetInput(self.camRotation.y, playerMovement.z, playerMovement.x, jump , self.crouched, 1.0, 0.5, true)
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