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  • Location
    Bexhill U.K

SMS DIGITAL's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. My strongest areas are composition and sound design. So far as Leadwerks is concerned i can do everything the tutorials teach and a little more. I can make assets in blender and sculpt in silo and curvy 3d. I can do basic coding i own the professional edition of leadwerks so either language is fine wine with me. However my strongest language is C# which isnt of much use in this situation. Game idea is however very simple but i hope fum . I have a draft of my outline for the game ready so its just a case of getting on with it once all plans and ideas can be amalgamated to suit a small team.
  2. Hi all, I am looking to partner up with someone for the summer games co-ompetition. I have a solid idea for a fairly simple but fun game to use as an entry. If you would be interested please give me a shout and we can discuss what my ideas and plans are then work on making the project a reality. All ideas and thoughts will of course be taken into consideration and we will work as a team from the outset. Many Thanks SMS-DIGITAL
  3. Hi all, Looking to Collab on third oerson horror game ( no zombies in my gameplan lol) It'll be something dark, twisted with plenty of puzzles, jumps and scares. Give me a shout if it's something you would be interested in. Many Thanks Al
  4. This is some great work. I look forward to templates becoming available to share on Steam too Keep up thew good work
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