Ok i found a solution:
This is a simple solution for load and play a ogg sound using OpenAL..
The function LoadOGG do the work and get all information you need for every operation: size, format, frequency;
then store all the raw audio data in a vector, then loaded in a buffer ready to be played.
In this way every ogg file should be loaded without any problem and from every source.
The proof is that now my "final.ogg" load and play..
( I would you take a moment on this Link if you are interesting in something more complex )
PS: if u want use proper this files in a LE project, Audiotest function must be called before any LE setup, pratically at main function start, this because LE use a proper Openal context not compaticle with this simple solution.
According to http://wiki.audacityteam.org/wiki/OGG ogg file has usually a variable bit rate, but:
"When exporting to OGG in Audacity, you choose a quality setting from 0 to 10. This tells the encoder a very approximate average number of bits to use for the encoding" ( as listened next in the same page )
and then says
"Audacity's default OGG export quality setting is -q5, implying a bit rate of approximately 160 kbps."
From this you understand that LE has a limitation because it's fixed sound bitrate property, that doesn't allow a range.. for that audacity exported files, that has a fixed bitrate, are loaded without any problem, which does not happen for file with variable bitrates( most common files for what i have seen around ).