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    Italy, Puglia, Mottola

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  1. This is the dl link: https://mega.nz/#!rJ4QhCCT!l1CyvDOPT2vAxs5WPGveauI4JiIPbytq2X3VlfaLtKE
  2. I' have to adopt this method now, after all is working... Thanks for reminding me that LE can handle wav files reepblue
  3. Flashlight.rar The output of this file load is AL_INVALID_VALUE. This file has been converted using Audacity, and before last two updates all works fine. So before yesterday i decide to update LE through steam, all files compiled fine, load of every audio files fails. This is just a sample file, all the other files i have used Audacity for convert to Ogg. Can someone explain me what's my problem now??
  4. Hi all guys, i have a suggestion about materials in LE: if a material can have a sort of ID ( a string for example ) that can be assigned in the editor and then used in a script or c++ code to quickly identify the material by coder without a path string manupulation. For example using material "Materials\\Concrete\\concrete_clean.mat", ( if i don't mistake ) can be simplified into "concrete_clean" but first removing the path and then removing the extension. With the user specified ID a material in c++ can be easly identified by using for example: if ( pickinfo.surface->material->ID == "concrete" ( defined inLE editor ) ) { ... } This would be very useful for footsteps, bullet impact or other things..
  5. Gook work Josh, i think we can consider LE able to load n play every common ogg file. Actually LE audio sector lacks of some features as sound effect( reverb, chorus, echo, distortion, flanger, an so on ) but on this we should go forward a step at a time. ( btw i'm not a very expert on this kind of things ) I'm glad of you all, really.
  6. Ok i found a solution: This is a simple solution for load and play a ogg sound using OpenAL.. The function LoadOGG do the work and get all information you need for every operation: size, format, frequency; then store all the raw audio data in a vector, then loaded in a buffer ready to be played. Ogg_Load_Play.rar Source: https://www.gamedev.net/resources/_/technical/game-programming/introduction-to-ogg-vorbis-r2031 In this way every ogg file should be loaded without any problem and from every source. The proof is that now my "final.ogg" load and play.. ( I would you take a moment on this Link if you are interesting in something more complex ) PS: if u want use proper this files in a LE project, Audiotest function must be called before any LE setup, pratically at main function start, this because LE use a proper Openal context not compaticle with this simple solution. PPS: According to http://wiki.audacityteam.org/wiki/OGG ogg file has usually a variable bit rate, but: "When exporting to OGG in Audacity, you choose a quality setting from 0 to 10. This tells the encoder a very approximate average number of bits to use for the encoding" ( as listened next in the same page ) and then says "Audacity's default OGG export quality setting is -q5, implying a bit rate of approximately 160 kbps." From this you understand that LE has a limitation because it's fixed sound bitrate property, that doesn't allow a range.. for that audacity exported files, that has a fixed bitrate, are loaded without any problem, which does not happen for file with variable bitrates( most common files for what i have seen around ).
  7. Here i have attached a file that i should use in a my game. Do your pojects load this file?? final.rar
  8. hi all, as title say i have this message when i try to load my ogg fils. I want premise that i was using a third-party lib, https://github.com/R4stl1n/cAudio, which my ogg files were load without any problem. ( I was using this lib because his feature od 3D spatialization for sounds ) Said this, after last update, compiling my project i got some error about ogg header inclusion, and coming to forum i have seen that new ogg support feature were added to engine. At this time i remove every trace of this lib from my project and now compilation will accomplish, but when i try to load a ogg file, i have the message on title writen in console and a program freeze of about 4 ~ 7 sec per file. Of course sound are not loaded and nothing works. Is there a solution for this?? PS: I use Nero Wave Editor to convert an audio file to ogg. PS PS: According to this file: https://svn.xiph.org/trunk/vorbis/examples/decoder_example.c My problem ocCurs when: int result=ogg_sync_pageout(&oy,&og); if(result<0){ fprintf(stderr,"Corrupt or missing data in bitstream; continuing...\n"); and at https://xiph.org/ogg/doc/libogg/ogg_sync_pageout.html explaination says: Returned value: -1 returned if stream has not yet captured sync (bytes were skipped).
  9. Now i have this error message trying load an ogg file, that before this update i was able to load with my lib: "Corrupt or missing data in bitstream; continuing..." And long load time, more than 4 sec... Edit: Web https://svn.xiph.org/trunk/vorbis/examples/decoder_example.c int result=ogg_sync_pageout(&oy,&og); if(result<0){ fprintf(stderr,"Corrupt or missing data in bitstream; continuing...\n"); then at https://xiph.org/ogg/doc/libogg/ogg_sync_pageout.html Returned value: -1 returned if stream has not yet captured sync (bytes were skipped).
  10. More than using that function that disable simulation, so disable also object collisions ( and i need this ), i prefer to set velocity manually, using Leadwerks::NewtonDynamicsBody *pBody = dynamic_cast< Leadwerks::NewtonDynamicsBody *>( MyPivot->body ); pBody->velocity = Vec3( 0.0 ); Now i thing this is a permanent solution for every case, just i hope..
  11. Hi all, actually i' m using a third part lib, and i can ose ogg files. I created an interface and inserted some custom functions as FadeIn and FadeOut, FindSource and more. Just i remove context created by lw create my own then i use this lib to play sounds and musics, also in loops. I don't if i can say this, but for information i'm using CAudio, with ogg support only.
  12. First of all Josh really thank you for the intervention, i appreciate your interest for this. I have to say that load times are almost the same but memory used is less than before. My game is a small project, but i think this option will help much other users, with games bigger than me.
  13. Roberto14


    In every project that use Leadwerks, go to Properties->Configuration properties->C/C++->General, in include directories add $(LeadwerksHeaderPath)\Libraries\openssl\include then go to Configuration Properties->Linker->Input, in dependencies, click->Edit add this lines in the first box: libcryptoMT.lib libsslMT.lib Rpcrt4.lib crypt32.lib libcurl.lib Msimg32.lib
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