Well, firstly I wanna learn to write shaders, cause I write mostly on C, and GLSL is very similar; secondly, when I change resolution up, my FPS drastically falls down. Here you can see FPS on the up-left corner, I have ~10 static light sources with "medium" distance, 1920x1080, all low settings exept for antialiasing which is 2x and texture quality, which is very high.
I've tried to remove all light sources and it doesn't really get FPS boost. So I think there is something with shaders, because in our engine with fixed pipeline (OpenGL 1.2) (I have no light sources or shadows), with same amount of polygons, FPS is much higher, even when using 8x multisampling 1920x1080.
Here is our engine for FPS comprasion. In my map in leadwerks I have ~110k polygons, in our game ~85-105k polygons around the player, but there is a very huge difference in FPS even when leadwerks has no lights, 1920x1080 without any antialiasing.