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Everything posted by Nexerade

  1. Well I figured it out already. And you still have a problem with links, somebody sent you screenshot in answear in another theme not long ago.
  2. Try to play with settings when exporting to .fbx
  3. That's weird, because I flipped them in Model Editor by pressing "Flip Faces" and it didn't change anything. or at least it didn't show missing part. I am sureI did it, because I pressed Poly Mesh after I pressed every other thing. Now trying to find tutorial on how to make prefab weapons; I've seen tutorial on youtube year ago but can't find it now.
  4. Well basically all problem was in weights. I had 2 vertex groups with same name, and 1 of these groups was empty, so that's what caused problems. However there were no problems with normals or faces.
  5. But why though? I did it the same way I did slide and gun magazine. It should be exactly the same unless I exported it wrong.
  6. It didn't help, here is model I used in screenshots. m9_hands.tar
  7. So I've made mesh with arms and pistol, but for some reason there are no gunmainbody geometry, even though it's bone is here, cause it's 1 way higher than gunslide and gunmag. I thought maybe it's cause it's a parent to 2 childs, so I removed gunmag and still have same problem. That's how it looks in blender. Hm... I've pressed Physics->Poly Mesh and got this. Which means that mesh is still there? If imported in blender or milkshape - that vertex group is there and visible.
  8. Thank you, I have character.blend mesh with armature and keyframes, saved it as separated character_newanims.blend file only with new animations and mesh. Exported character_newanims.blend as fbx character_newanims.fbx with mesh and armature. Moved character_newanims.fbx to folder where in-game character.mdl is. (This created character_newanims.mdl) Opened character.mdl by double clicking it in leadwerks assets. Chosed File->Load animations, selected character_newanims.mdl. Well and then just extract animations. Thanks for help.
  9. So, I have a mesh with lots of animations and I forgot to make 1 animation. How can I add new animation from separated fbx file? Like, maybe save it with that 1 animation, without mesh but with same Armature or what; and after that, what shouldI do with it, how to link it? I've tried to export armature with some keyframes without mesh, but Leadwerks didn't see any keyframes. And I can't fnd any tutorial about it. Looks like these are obvious things, but I can't figure it out.
  10. Thank you very much. function Script:UpdatePhysics() leftleg:SetAnimationFrame(Time:GetCurrent()*speed,0.5,name) rightleg:SetAnimationFrame(Time:GetCurrent()*speed,0.5,name) Now it works.
  11. local leftleg local rightleg function Script:Start() leftleg=self.entity:FindChild("hip.l") rightleg=self.entity:FindChild("hip.r") end function Script:UpdatePhysics() leftleg:PlayAnimation("walk",0.02) rightleg:PlayAnimation("walk",0.02) end ^ doesn't work function Script:UpdatePhysics() self.entity:PlayAnimation("walk",0.02) end ^ work I also don't get any nil errors.
  12. I'm trying to import map as .fbx, it says Deleting material "S:/Users/Tianex/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/DontForgetAboutNEWfiles/Materials/Icons/directionallight.mat" Deleting shader "S:/Users/Tianex/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/DontForgetAboutNEWfiles/shaders/editor/sprite.shader" Deleting texture "S:/Users/Tianex/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/DontForgetAboutNEWfiles/Materials/Icons/directionallight.tex" Loading material "S:/Users/Tianex/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/DontForgetAboutNEWfiles/Materials/Icons/directionallight.mat"... Loading shader "S:/Users/Tianex/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/DontForgetAboutNEWfiles/shaders/editor/sprite.shader"... Loading texture "S:/Users/Tianex/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/DontForgetAboutNEWfiles/Materials/Icons/directionallight.tex"... Converting "depth.fbx"... Input: S:/Users/Tianex/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/DontForgetAboutNEWfiles/depth.fbx Output: S:/Users/Tianex/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/DontForgetAboutNEWfiles/depth.mdl FBX: Initializing scene... FBX: File version: 7.4.0 FBX: Importing scene... FBX: found mesh: 10-0 Depths MDL: total leaf bones pruned: 4 MDL: total vertices: 110992, total faces: 69184 MDL: exporting as static mesh Conversion: success
  13. Popularity not the same as the technology. Minecraft has the most sells in the world, so, as you can see - all you need is idea.
  14. Just change player FOV to lower when aiming.
  15. Can someone give me new FPSPlayer.lua? NVM, I'll get it by myself. Nope standart FPSPlayer.lua didn't help, still have no idea what causes this. And I can't even know what fiels was changed by update.
  16. I'm on LUA. i7 6700k x8 4.4 GHz, R9 380 4 GB, 8 GB DDR4 RAM. All I ever modified was main.lua, FPSPlayer.lua and my own weapon_auto.lua scripts. If someone is gonna help me - I can send all this files.
  17. I have no idea what to do. I don't want to start all over again. Any way I can know change logs?
  18. Oh, actually I cannot compile my project. It says 1>s:\users\tianex\documents\leadwerks\projects\firstever_low\source\App.h(3): fatal error C1083: Can't open this file: Leadwerks.h: No such file or directory (..\..\Source\App.cpp) 1>s:\users\tianex\documents\leadwerks\projects\firstever_low\source\App.h(3): fatal error C1083: Can't open this file: Leadwerks.h: No such file or directory (..\..\Source\main.cpp) Ok, I'd compiled it as Win32 project, not 64 and it's compiled. but still - cannot launch it. It makes 120 kb zombieproccess.
  19. When I'm trying to start Leadwerks.exe from folder it says "Can't initialize program. Please start Steam."
  20. After update I have this issue again. But now I can't even start it as administrator. I can open editor and edit things, but cannot press F6 or start from .exe. I even recompiled project. This operations just make MyGame.exe processes that are 120-128 kb. And I cannot kill them. When launching it - editors says "executing "Path to exe" and no-responding.
  21. I have some weird thing with it. Sometimes I have black box that cuts draw distance - it's alright, but sometimes I have this: As you can see after the barrel in left side of screen - it's not just black cut-off. Why?
  22. I can gift you any of my models http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=375863987 but I guess it doesn't fit his 4096x4096 textures. I prefer non-textures models.
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