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Everything posted by Nexerade

  1. Nexerade

    Workshop Spam

    That was funny for read. For me it's like "Iam kibo joluta ikjpetendyaz ye." for you. xD
  2. But what would happen if 1 object would push another object from it's path? (I mean it takes more code to make it work) If they are just have rails to move - they don't use any brain to bypass obstacles. Actually same with NAV meshes, as much as I know (Maybe I'm wrong, it's possible) they don't check anything on their way. But yeah, I guess it's not that hard to make them get directions again once something changed their old direction.
  3. What are you talking about? You can export map as .obj? o.o
  4. I guess NPCs can move everything movable on their way if they can collide? Cause if you would do a terrain and make a nav mesh, and after you would make a wall between the nav mesh, NPC would just go through. So I guess you have to edit AI file.
  5. Ok, I did something. CTRL+A, cast shadows: none. It gave like +200-300% FPS, so, yeah, I guess that's maybe what I wanted.
  6. Yes, but I guess fog will not help me with alternative shadows. Did someone made vertex shadows, or... something? I don't know much about shadows, all that I know that they are expensive as hell!
  7. Aww. sorry for my bad english! I'm trying to explain. I need something for player to say: "Hey, it's cave, but it has torches", and in the same time I don't want to use pixel-light, cause it's too expensive!
  8. I don't actually need light, cause I have bright ambient light, but in some places I need to have orange, blue, green etc light. I don't want to color walls, cause it's weird if torches would paint all the cave's rocks into orange. Any ideas? Or, maybe, I really should remove all the light from my game, but I have no idea how to make it looks like this: With bright ambient light all I have is this: Don't look at FPS! It's fine in game, screenshot just was made at map-initialization, so it's fine!
  9. I don't want to use such heavy pixel-light, but I need light sources to have torches (orange light), what should I do?
  10. I guess not. Just try to spawn 5 models with run animation and choose different speed for every of them and see what's mroe realistic.
  11. Wow thank you. That really helped a lot. Outdoor areas you saw was just there because map is not complete. I'm not planning to add any outdoor areas yet. I'm just adding walls in the very last moment, cause firstly I want to create topology of the map. Thank you again for the help. ***By the way, if you really liked my map - you should play King's Field 1 in US/EU or King's Field 2 in JP (It's the same game), cause this is my source inspiration.
  12. But what am I suppose to do? How are you guys lightening scenes?
  13. Cause I have no idea how else I can put at least 20 light sources. Without map compiler, I guess this engine is good only for open-space games.
  14. I have a black screen when I put this to ambientlight.shares. I guess it's no more working? :c
  15. It's still doesn't work well. Standart is 1000, even with 30 it's still really laggy.
  16. I tried to make all my textures 256x256 instead of 2048x2048 - it doesn't make any difference. Then I tried to disable all my light sources (~20 total) and it gives me from 16-60 FPS up to 200-400 FPS. I'd tried to make everything in the scene to Medium draw distance instead of Max and and got 25-80 FPS. So, any ideas?
  17. Screenshots with statistics. I'm gonna PM you, Josh.
  18. Video example of lags. You can see my specs in description.
  19. Ok i'd launched it from administrator name and it's launched. But now I have another problem with FPS. Here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/14175-leadwerks-editor-crashing-and-fps-drops-in-game/
  20. I'd tried to build it with Visual Studio 2013 Express, it build it. But when I launch it - I has this zombie processes and can't even kill them. Of course, game doesn't launching.
  21. I have FPS drops on my game when watching to center of the map. Once my map become "big" actually it's not, but it's no more "demo-sized" and more than maps in Half-Life 1, Editor sometimes freezes and then only way is to kill the program. How is the render works? Is there any special triggers for non-render zones or do I have to paint outside walls into invisible like in Source Engine?
  22. self.entity:Hide() changed to self.entity:Show() Now it's fine.
  23. I'm trying here to make picking up weapons possible, but I've encounter soem problems, one of them - I dont' see weapon prefabs in game. I can see them in editor. What special in them?
  24. Well I jsut pressed ctrl+a, choosed face instrument and pressed C on the right side of screen.
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