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Everything posted by Nexerade

  1. What shaders do this texture has? Press RMB on texture - edit, shaders.
  2. Hellow. 1) You can create level anywhere, I guess. It doesn't matter, where your level would be. I guess the only reason why grid is in 3d view is that you can see grid level. 2) Umh, I didn't get this, but if you're asking can it go through 3d grid: 3d doesn't mean anything. 3) I'm curious about this too.
  3. Help, I didn't found any info about shifting textures. :c As you can see - windows (they are prefabs) has wrong shifted textures.
  4. I'm gonna try and if this will work - I'll post my code here.
  5. To make weapon attack, I need to have Fire animation. If I'll have Fire2 animation, will there be second random animation?
  6. Sorry, I'd tried to search this at forum, but can't find the source. :c I'm talking about this model:
  7. Make a screenshot. But I'm almost sure this will fix the problem: Go to -Script Editor --Player ---FPSPlayer.lua in line 153 self.camera:SetMultisampleMode((System:GetProperty("multisample","1"))) change 1 to 2. This will make antialiasing 2x when player spawned. This fixed problem for me on R9 380 4 GB Oh yeah, and for fix it in editor - go to editor settings and set AntiAliasing 2x or higher. But anyways, even if this will fix the problem - make a screenshot please.
  8. Are you talking about completed examples maps? They're here: PC_Name>My Documents>Leadwerks>Projects>Your_Project>Maps.
  9. Thank you, that's all I needed to know!
  10. As I can see - Leadwerks can read vertex groups and you can paint them in editor. I just wanna know what function editor uses to make this. I want to be able to paint groups in textures right in real time in game, by player choise. And 2nd question - is it possible to make invisible textures on model? On example I want to have a function to turn off helmet in real time. I'd tried to use 0 0 0 0 RGBA .png texture and ...+alphamask shader, but in editor my texture is just white.
  11. 1) Did you tested your animation in blender and you sure that all vertexes assigned right? 2) You have to texture model in Leadwerks with special shaders to make animations work.
  12. The most greatest part of perception of the scene is wall textures. No, they don't have to be HD, they just have to be realistic, I guess. I have a few projects and in 1 of them there are no textures at all, only colors at walls. And know what? Even minecraft with it's 16x16 could have horror scenes, but not a game without wall textures. Yes, you have textures at walls, but they are almost without any... anything, you know. I'd made a few maps for CS:GO - and some times it's creepy even in editor, even when I'm just using standart CS:GO's textures. Let me show you: http://files.gamebanana.com/img/ss/maps/568931633db8b.jpg http://files.gamebanana.com/img/ss/maps/568933a92188c.jpg
  13. I find it easiest tool to make animations, and also it's so cheap!
  14. This helped me, thank you. That's just so unobvious that animations are not working cause of textures...
  15. Well, I've bought the model, but animations did by myself. I think I cannot just post this model on forums. I'm gonna try to say what's wrong. I have a model. Here: As you can see - all vertex are assigned and animations works fine: File is in .fbx format: After importing fbx again in my editor (MilkShape 3D 1.8.5 beta2) - Everything is fine. LeadWerks automatically see .fbx file as .mdl Here we go to Edit mode in Leadwerks. As you can see - editor can see there are 17 frames. I'd made "Extract" Run animation to see if it helps - but no. Always I use "play" button - there are 1 frame animation that doesn't change, even if number of animation goes forward. Any ideas?
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