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Everything posted by tipforeveryone

  1. https://streamable.com/bcq9hh I forget to turn on record mouse cursor, but it is easy to reproduce
  2. Then how about putting a set of glass pane behind each other ?, each of them has its own diffuse texture and alpha mask ?, if I can not use both transparent and alphamask, how can I get the transparent part of glasses ?
  3. Depth render problem between scene object and preview one - Transparent = TRUE; - Alphamask = TRUE; - Two-sided = TRUE; Here is the .blend file of this asset https://filetransfer.io/data-package/dvD7DmOD#link
  4. Yep I do some research and this it is kind of false positive. btw is there any demo version for UltraEngine instead of buying it in the future ? Im gonna buy it soon but need some demo for what of it cabilities
  5. I go this when run the animation benchmark of UltraEngine2023, it is ok with UltraEngine (not 2023) Is this a false alarm or it is dangerous ?
  6. Or: just attach a normal character model (a duplicated asset) with this material setting, I used in my project too
  7. It is useful for IK Foot Placement to prevent this
  8. How about IK system ? which can make character left hand to be attached to a grip of gun, or even 2 hands weapon like long axe
  9. I am making a Tactical FPS, like Rainbow Six Ravenshield or Swat 4, this is an example of my game, it is outdated, I am gonna release a new demo of current dev in this April. stay tune
  10. Can I try some of your Unity games ? My project on Leadwerks is almost finished
  11. Thanks guys, by I figure out the best way to get the goal. 1. Only create model of whole structure 2 Create another version with only basic shapes the use it as physic mesh 3. Create other elements of building as sperated models with their own physic mesh 4. Put them together. Here is the result
  12. I have a plan to put a building into game, I wonder which is the best way to do that, I thinkabout some solutions but doubt about physics performance as well 1. Import a whole building model in blender (rooms, walls, stairs, roof etc), then create a physic mesh to apply to it. my character will move around inside the building with its physic mesh. 2. Create each elements of building in blender (stairs, walls, columns, roof as sperated meshes), import into game, reposition those elements to construct whole building, each element has it own physic mesh 3. Import whole building model then use premitive shape to construct the building's physic. I will assign invisible material on those shapes to hide them later.
  13. Ok, fire fighter simulator game is in my mind now !. water flow to kill fire !
  14. THIS ISS... JUST>>> AWESOME and emotional to me! Thank you!
  15. Hmm.. I found out the problem is not Time functions stuff, it is Point() and AllignToAxis() which I used to make character model turn to player position. are they expensive ?
  16. please give me an example and yes, single player game
  17. Situation: I have 20 enemy characters in a map. Goal: Everytime I fire a weapon, some of enemy who are in range from my position can hear and reaction after a small period of time (ex: 2 seconds - 2000ms) Current solution: Each fire shot calls a function Gun_Sound(), this function will scan all enemy character and if in range, call character's function Sound_Reaction() for (auto it = enemyList.begin(); it != enemyList.end(); it++){ if ((*it)->GetDistance(myPosition) < range){ (*it)->Sound_Reaction(); (*it)->reactionActive = true; (*it)->timeMark = Time::GetCurrent(); } } To simulate "reaction" feature of character, I use this popular method //This function is put in UpdateWorld() of each Character Actor Class void Character::Sound_Reaction(){ if (reactionActive){ if (Time::GetCurrent() - timeMark > reactionDuration){ //reactionDuration can be 2000 for example reactionActive = false; //stop and finish reaction process //Do some code } } } Problem: iterating through characterList each shot is ok, but each time I fire weapon, that Sound_Reaction() with Time calculation stuff drops my FPS dramaticaly. As my expectation, I don't think it can make FPS worse like this. Questions: Is there any better solution to scan enemy in range ? I wonder if I have more enemy (50?), must I iterate through all of them each time I shoot to collect in-range one? Is there any better solution for character reaction ? depend on time like I need
  18. I use ifstream to read a file which I used to save some configuration data ifstream weaponData("Data/Weapons.dat"); while (weaponData >> configVariable1 >> configVariable2 > ...){ //Some code } I included *.dat files in to publish process and I got them in data.zip succesfully. But it seems published game can not read those files. But if I create a same folder structure outside zipped package, my game can read it normally How can I use ifstream to read files in zipped package ?
  19. I spent a whole week for learning UE4 with cpp, yep, UE4 is a great engine for sure, but I found out that my mind could not understand the way UE4 works easily. It is too complex and made me tired. Then I returned to my Leadwerks project and felt so familiar. Soooo... sweet, everything is simple as it is It felt like I have had a long trip to UE city then return to my hometown. I miss Leadwerks indeed. Last year, I thought I could only use Leadwerks with LUA and never touch its CPP side. But I tried my best, learned Cpp for 8 months. Now I am not a cpp pro but I am confident in using this language. At least I can rewrite my whole project in CPP instead. this 3-years project helped me to understand my potential and interest in gamedev. I wish Josh be successful in progress of making Turbo, a new hope for much better Leadwerks. To all people who are using Leadwerks and help me these years, love you. ... Peace!
  20. Leadwerks has some disadvantages but overall being a perfect choice for 3d Indie game developer. For a remaster of Fallout New Vegas, I don't think Leadwerks can handle
  21. LOL I have built my own UI system in C++ which can handle any type of language. i dont even use Leadwerks GUI
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