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Everything posted by tipforeveryone

  1. Without dynamic nav mesh, enemy AI character can only do a "zombie style", keep tracking and get close to its target, no environment interaction, the dark side of Leadwerks
  2. I am building my sniper scope, when my camera zooms in, texture of terrain at far distance get blur and looks bad How can I adjust terrain texture mip map when zooming
  3. I notice that the number of Script memory usage is increasing second to second. Is it ok ? or there are somecode in my game make it increased. More explaination of this please Thanks
  4. Wow, I don't know what were changed but this update gives my game performance a huge boost, it is about 500fps after update. how ?
  5. Oops... how embarrassing thanks, sometimes my mind stuck in a weird way
  6. Even use Normalize(), it is no use.
  7. Does that mean we will use VSCode for lua coding as the official IDE in 4.6 ? Because I want this feature for 4.6 too, not only Turbo
  8. I think Leadwerks code editor will be better if there is a Lua function list which contain all function bookmarks. Whenever a function created (the line has word "function") its line number will be bookmarked, a single click can bring user to the line of that function instead of pressing Ctrl + F then type the name of function. Something like this, I hope this can be implemented in 4.6
  9. Those unsupported functions are still useful for users like us, and of course we accept the risk when using them. Why don't you just expose them all and give them "unsupported" red tag Sometime users need information
  10. Here is my configuration, it works fine Hope this help!
  11. I attached this script to a Directional light function Script:Start() sun = self.entity end Game started normally, but When I changed the changemapname variable (which can be found in Main.lua) to another map which also had the same Scripted Directional light. I recieved this "Script classname sun not found." Is there something wrong with global variable ? Edit: It seems my global variables were "stuck" when I change map. Is there anyway to RESET or RELEASE everything ? everytime I load a map, I want everything is clean. World:Clear() does not work well I think
  12. Yeah it is not actually my goal, I want to place my character spawn position by using pivots. I place pivots in editor and when I run the game, my characters will be placed with pivots's position. Anyway, I found the solution, I put Script2 into UpdateWorld(), not in Start(), with a variable which can help execute character create code only one time.
  13. My goal is place some boxes at the position of some pre-placed pivots I have 3 pivots (pivot1, pivot2, pivot3) Scripts 1: which is attached to pivot1 and 2 function Script:Start() table.insert(global_table,self.entity) end (global_table was declared in main.lua, before the while loop) Script 2: which is attached to pivot3 function Script:Start() for key,value in ipairs(global_table) do local box = Model:Box() box:SetPosition(value:GetPosition(true)) end end Script 2 does not work, because there is nothing inside the global_table to execute, all Script:Start() function are started at the same time. How can I force the Start() function of script2 (attached to pivot3) to be executed after all others execution?
  14. Yes I remember that you explained this to me on discord months ago, I just totally forgot the answers and could not find it again on discord because Josh cancel discord once (I delayed my game development for almost 3 months and returned 1 weeks ago) Thank you again for a clear answer, and now I can bookmark it !
  15. Here is my custom module: local module = {} module.SetValue = function(value) module.v = value end return module and this is my code to call above module local variable1 = require("mymodule") variable1.SetValue(1) local variable2 = require("mymodule") variable2.SetValue(2) System:Print(variable1.v) System:Print(variable2.v) As my expectation, the console should display 1 2 but it displays this instead 2 2 That means the value of variable1.v is overwriten by the value of variable2.v. I used mymodule for 2 local variables, why dont they hold a independent value of module.v ?
  16. my suggestion is a "Room Escape" genre - simple logic, pick this to open that etc
  17. Hi Josh, when I change Projection Mode of a camera to get Othor view, it makes my scene become so tiny, how can I fix that ? SetFOV or SetZoom does not work
  18. I will create my inventory in C++ instead. Using class to save information is a great idea, thanks but I think saving that list to file is better for me. !
  19. I want to create a game in which I can choose Weapons and add them into player's inventory in a sperated map (call "loadout.map") That loadout can be saved (player can name the saved one as "recon kit", "assault kit" etc..) or select as active loadout. When a mission map is loaded, player will load saved loadout to play Which is the best way to achieve this ? please give me a direction, and yes, C++ way. The main question is about save and load process, should I use database ?
  20. Finally, the solution is verysimple, just move the gun model far away from camera then adjust its FOV or Zoom, muhaallalala
  21. Yes that function WithManyCalculation have many thing inside thanks
  22. I am optimizing my game's frame per sec and wonder which way of code has better performance function Script:WithManyCalculation() --A ton of code end function Script:UpdateWorld() self:WithManyCalculation() end and function Script:Start() self.time = Time:GetCurrent() end function Script:WithManyCalculation() --A ton of code end function Script:UpdateWorld() if Time:GetCurrent() - self.time > 60 then self:WithManyCalculation() self.time = TIme:GetCurrent() end end
  23. This is a good idea but not perfect, in somecases, the scope model has detail when look from outside but some of its faces still visible inside Thanks for your suggestion. I will try it In old COD4, they really make an ACOG scope which player can see inside of it And then in Modern Warfare 2 or 3 when not in aiming mode, this ACOG look so strange, so what is the real technique
  24. hmmm... I mean that scope looks like it was projected on screen only visible part of it. I will do some research
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