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Everything posted by tipforeveryone

  1. I published my game and send to my friends, they are all receive notification about OpenAL.dll. Is there anyway to install my standalone game without instal OpenAL manually
  2. Wow what a long code content haha, this may make this topic really hard to read, can you attach a text file instead ?
  3. This is what I made today with you guys's suggestion, It looks quite right. What do you think ?
  4. I made my smoke using particles too, it looks great but im not satisfied after watching the video, sothat I ask for ideas to how to create the same one as video. This smoke is so different
  5. Hi everyone, I found this video on youtube, do you see the smoke effect when bullet hit ground, it looks awesome. Anyone has any idea how to make one ?
  6. yes, I am using table, but in the future my game data will be much more complex . therefore I need a database, this helps me easier to manage data too
  7. Thanks, but I mean How to use database in Leadwerks just dont know where to start. I have bunch of weapons and want to store their parameters (rate of fire, model path ...) to a database, any kind of database. Talking about CSV files, how can I use them ?
  8. I found this topic But is there any detail tutorial (step by step) which show me how to use Database ? Thanks
  9. there are only 16 bones, It still can be reduced but I think it is ok. my frame per second is acceptable
  10. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1322820908 Uploaded to workshop
  11. Yes, your question is not dumb. that was a long process. First, I used cloth simulator for a plane in Blender with Force Field as Wind then attached bones to that simulated flag. Finally, baked animation of those bones, that is it! Yes I will, soon
  12. Hi, welcome to Leadwerks world Leadwerks can do what you want. if you are new to game design and programing, it will be a long road to go but worth. Just learn it step by step. But I think you still need a computer with graphic card
  13. Agree, this can make Leadwerks better for beginners who want to create a beam from their start I think, even beginners dont have any gamedev experience but when finding their first game engine, they will look for what that engine can offer, the easiest ways to solve their needs "I want to build a gun with laser beam" / "I want to make a starwar game with a jedi running around swinging his light-beam saber" ..googling.. 5 minutes later "Wow Leadwerks can solve this in 1 line of code, amazing, lets buy it!"
  14. I thought about GetDistance() before. yes, that is only one solution for this, and using entity:Point() for pulling coins to player is brilliant. But if there are multiple objects like player (may be a random enemy which wants to collect coins too then you must collect more coins than them to win) how can those coins use GetDistance() to all player like objects and only move toward the closest one?
  15. Hi, I want to make a small game in which playerObject can move and collect coins around it among stones (demonstrated in below images) when player moves to a point, press a key to make every coins within its aura radius be collected (sucked to) by player except stones and is there any way to get only the closest coin ? Those stones and coins are randomly generated and not moving any idea for this ? how to make it in lua? Thanks for helping
  16. As my opinion, I will use decals for something which has non flat surfaces. Example, blood on a piles of stones, mud on curved edges of a car, something like that, and 2D model with transparent textures for walls, ground. When I used my old computer, decal ate alot of FPS. For your paper, I suggest you to use a plane with text texture.
  17. It is sad... it does not work Note: self.hinge was created in Start() and worked fine
  18. function Script:Start() self.hinge = Joint:Hinge(--parameters--) self.hinge:EnableLimits() self.hinge:EnableMotor() self.hinge:SetFriction(30) end function Script:UpdateWorld() self.hinge:Release() --This make my game crash end I used Release() on joint:hinge in the past and remember it worked, not in 4.5
  19. Sometime I need something like this if self.condition then if window:KeyHit(Key.A) then --Do a bunch of code-- end if window:KeyHit(Key.B) then --Do a bunch of code-- end if window:KeyHit(Key.C) then --Do a bunch of code-- end end It is much clear and structurable than this I think if window:KeyHit(Key.A) then if self.condition then --Do a bunch of code-- end end if window:KeyHit(Key.B) then if self.condition then --Do a bunch of code-- end end if window:KeyHit(Key.C) then if self.condition then --Do a bunch of code-- end end
  20. Hi, There is something not right with window:KeyHit() function, I did mention this problem in the past but wasn't solved This is the code Script.condition = false function Script:UpdateWorld() if self.condition then if window:KeyHit(Key.F) then System:Print("F key pressed!!") end end if window:KeyHit(Key.L) then self.condition = true end end Process: self.condition = false will make sure that when I press the F key, there is nothing happen then If I press the L key to make self.condition = true, the console displays string "F key pressed!". I suppose the window:KeyHit(Key.F) is somehow "saved" and waits until the condition is met to execute code inside it. This is annoying in some situations indeed. Here is an example: A door can only be opened by pressing F when a electric switch is ON. Player may try to press the F key to open door before he is instructed that the switch must be ON to open the door (at this point the window:KeyHit(Key.F) is "saved" as I said above) After turn on the electric switch, the door will be Opened by that "saved" command from Key.F hit. I don't want that. It should be kept closing until I press F with the turned ON electric switch. The temporary fix is using window:KeyDown() with a boolean variable like this Script.keyPressed = false function Script:UpdateWorld() if window:KeyDown(Key.F) then if self.keyPressed == false then self.condition = true --ANOTHER CODE self.keyPressed = true end else self.keyPressed = false end end But this causes another problem, that is: If I replace a function to the "--ANOTHER CODE", will be executed many times because it is in UpdateWorld() function. Therefore I don't want to use this fix So how can I execute my code only one time when I press my desired key without getting the first problem with window:KeyHit()
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